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The Charter of Vancouver Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General ECF gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "The Charter of Vancouver Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General ECF gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Charter of Vancouver Bernhard Ensink ECF Secretary General ECF gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission.

2 The Charter of Vancouver We call on the United Nations … 2 “ Children have the right to cycle ! “

3 The Charter of Vancouver We call on the UN, GO’s and NGO’s: Include cycling as part of all sustainable transport policies and strategies 3

4 The Charter of Vancouver We call on the UN, GO’s and NGO’s: Promote active mobility for people of all ages and abilities 4

5 The Charter of Vancouver We call on the UN, GO’s and NGO’s: Improve the safety and accessibility of roads and public space, especially for children 5

6 6 Addressing the European Parliament Tripling cycling by 2020 to 15% average modal share The Charter of Brussels (2009)

7 7 Addressing all Ministers of Transport at ITF Cycling for Society: Invest in the cycling economy ! The Charter of Seville (2011)

8 The Charter of Vancouver (2012) Addressing the United Nations “Children have the right to cycle !” 8

9 9 Cycling as a human right

10 The Charter of Vancouver We call on the UN, GO’s and NGO’s: Include cycling as part of all sustainable transport policies and strategies 10

11 The Charter of Vancouver Signing today: –Mayor Robertson and ECF President Neun now –Velo-city Global 2012 participants please sign today in the breaks –Confirm online at the ECF web site when you get home! 11

12 What you should do Sign the charter Use the charter Encourage all your networks to support cycling for children as a human right Tell us your achievements! 12

13 Support the Charter of Vancouver Make the universal right to cycle part of your advocacy and policies 13

14 14

15 Good luck! For more information

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