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Single-spin asymmetry of charm di-jet in longitudinally polarized pp collisions at STAR Introduction and motivation Reconstruction of W and Z signals Single-spin.

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Presentation on theme: "Single-spin asymmetry of charm di-jet in longitudinally polarized pp collisions at STAR Introduction and motivation Reconstruction of W and Z signals Single-spin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single-spin asymmetry of charm di-jet in longitudinally polarized pp collisions at STAR Introduction and motivation Reconstruction of W and Z signals Single-spin asymmetry of di-jet Summary and outlook

2 Nucleons’ spin structure Spin sum rule for nucleon: In naive Quark Model, the nucleon is made up of three quarks, its spin (½) is carried by the three quarks’ spin. “Spin Crisis” : In 1988, EMC experiment found proton spin carried by quarks’ spin is 20%-30%. Orbital Angular Momentum Introduction and motivation

3 Longitudinal spin program at RHIC

4 Introduction and motivation SSA of W bosons Leading order diagrams for

5 Introduction and motivation SSA of W bosons

6 Introduction and motivation SSA of W bosons Motivation-----1

7 Introduction and motivation Reconstruction of W Leptonic channel :Hadronic channel :

8 Introduction and motivation Leptonic channel

9 Introduction and motivation Hadronic channel Motivation-----2

10 Introduction and motivation SSA of di-jet

11 Reconstruction of W and Z signals UA2 experiment R.Ansari et al [UA2 Collaboration], Phys. Lett. B 186, 452 (1987)

12 Reconstruction of W and Z signals Fast Simulation of the invariant mass distribution of di-jet in pp collision at STAR. Mass resolution : 5%

13 Fast simulation of the invariant mass distribution of charm di-jet in pp collision at STAR. Reconstruction of W and Z signals Mass resolution : 5%

14 From W+From W-From Z0QCD 2->2W+/total common di-jet592561976442007.04E+60:0083 charm di-jet2923699247041.92E+50:126 cross section: comparison: Reconstruction of W and Z signals


16 Single-spin asymmetry of di-jet SSA of pure W bosons

17 Single-spin asymmetry of di-jet SSA of di-jet

18 Single-spin asymmetry of di-jet SSA of charm di-jet

19 Single-spin asymmetry of di-jet SSA of charm di-jet events & the charge of charm can be determined

20 Summary and outlook Summary

21 Summary and outlook Outlook




25 Why D LL of (anti-)lambda in STAR? Longitudinal spin transfer in polarized proton-proton collisions: Pol. frag. func. model Q. X, E. Sichtermann, Z. Liang, PRD 73,2006 Theory prediction on polarization of anti-lambda in RHIC energy:

26  ~ 1.3 GeV  ~ 0.0075 Data sample:  Minbias data from run 2005  About 3M events Kinetics range: Qinghua Xu for STAR


28 Jet define algorithms: Kt algorithms and cone algorithms See Salam’s talk

29 RHIC : Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider STAR : The Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC TPC : time projection chamber EMC : E-M calorimeter

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