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Abdominal Pain Scenario 1 Skills Practicum. You Are working in the ER as a nurse.

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Presentation on theme: "Abdominal Pain Scenario 1 Skills Practicum. You Are working in the ER as a nurse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abdominal Pain Scenario 1 Skills Practicum

2 You Are working in the ER as a nurse.

3 Patient 25 year old Female arrived at Emergency Room by private vehicle accompanied by her husband. She states she has had abdominal pain for 3 days.

4 What do you do?

5 What you see She is a little pale She is a little anxious

6 What she tells you Nausea and going to the bathroom a lot Pain in LLQ for 3 days Decreased appetite No fever but sweats and chilling

7 Nursing Assessment Temperature: 37.5 °C Respirations: 16 Blood Pressure: 105/65 Pulse: 92 Pulse Oximetry: 95% Lungs clear bilaterally Heart sounds S1S2 (lub dub) are regular Bowel sounds very active throughout Abdomen tender all over but more in LLQ No masses felt And….

8 Dr.’s Assessment and Tests Lab – CBC, Chemistry and….. Xray / Ultrasound IV at 100cc/hr Medication

9 Initial treatments

10 What do you think is wrong with the patient?

11 When you return…– Possibility 1 Temperature: 37.5 °C Respirations: 8 Blood Pressure: 80/48 Pulse: 156 Pulse Oximetry: 85% Patient does not respond to you

12 Ectopic Pregnancy ECTOPIC PREGNANCY is a pregnancy that grows in the fallopian tube, not the uterus.

13 Risks If the pregnancy continues and the tube ruptures, there may be life-threatening intraabdominal bleeding. Even with the modern practice of medicine, the rupture of the ectopic pregnancy is still one of the leading causes of gynecological deaths.

14 When you return…– Possibility 2 Temperature: 37.5 °C Respirations: 16 Blood Pressure: 105/65 Pulse: 84 Pulse Oximetry: 95%

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