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Knowledge Management Practice in Unilever Indonesia Presented to KMSI Forum September 20, 2011 by Lala Tobing.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Management Practice in Unilever Indonesia Presented to KMSI Forum September 20, 2011 by Lala Tobing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Management Practice in Unilever Indonesia Presented to KMSI Forum September 20, 2011 by Lala Tobing

2 Highest standards of corporate behaviour, 5,500 + employees, Focus on consumer needs, brands chosen by millions everyday, USD 1.7 billion company, Global, regional and local brands. UNILEVER at a GLANCE

3 ... Listen to our employees Our Employee Survey found out that : oSharing is important and people want to do it (who will start first ?) o“I don’t know what other departments are doing.” oWait! They don’t even know what their department-mate sitting next to them are really doing. o30% of Assistant Managers don’t get enough information and practical know-how to do their job

4 Knowledge is power (… and power is not to be shared) “Not invented here” mentality Don’t realize the useful of sharing Lack of time Comfort zone What hold people from sharing ? My comfort zone

5 Unilever Corporate Purpose We will bring our wealth of knowledge and International expertise to the service of local consumers. Our long term success requires a total commitment to exceptional standards of performance and productivity, to working together effectively and to a willingness to embrace new ideas and learn continuously. It’s about KNOWLEDGE and LEARNING

6 How did we develop Knowledge Sharing Culture in ULI ?

7 Support from Leaders is key for KM implementation! 1999 and 2000 Unilever Business Excellence Model recommendations suggested that we must implement Knowledge Management practice in Unilever Indonesia. One of the topics about Knowledge preservation raised at the Senior Line Manager Meeting in 2001. Conducted research and KM workshop attended by Board of Directors and Line Managers facilitated by Arthur Andersen in 2002. Some quotes from the Focus Group discussion and the workshop are : – “Some employees are reluctant to share because different nature of the brands” – “We need a more effective medium, discipline and time to manage our knowledge” – Information resides with individuals, if they leave the company all the tacit knowledge will go away!”

8 1. How to come up with KM strategy? How to get senior management support? Leadership Technology Culture Measurement Organizational Knowledge Identify Create Share Apply Organize Adapt Collect 2. How to build knowledge sharing culture? 4. How to pick the right technologies? 3. How to measure the value of KM? Critical Success Factors in KM SOURCE: AA


10 Organization knowledge Organization Knowledge Personal knowledge Individual Knowledge Sharing Process experience learn create share analyze value synthesize apply distribute shared Performance Individual Knowledge Organization Knowledge To transform Sharing also connect people’s heart and mind SOURCE: AA MODEL

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