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Muon Upgrade Simulations Status. Muon Upgrade Goals  Muon upgrades aim to achieve the following:  Sustain triggering at current thresholds up to |h|=2.4.

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Presentation on theme: "Muon Upgrade Simulations Status. Muon Upgrade Goals  Muon upgrades aim to achieve the following:  Sustain triggering at current thresholds up to |h|=2.4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon Upgrade Simulations Status

2 Muon Upgrade Goals  Muon upgrades aim to achieve the following:  Sustain triggering at current thresholds up to |h|=2.4  Increase offline muon identification coverage to |h|=3.5-4  Maintain existing envelope by preventing or addressing aging effects  Goal of these studies:  Determine what kind of detectors we need and optimize parameters

3 Organization and People  Muon TP editing group  Editor: Jay Hauser  Contact persons:  Consolidation of existing detectors:  Cristina Bedoya DT,  Armando Lanaro CSC,  Gabriella Pugliese - RPC  Simulation: Anna Colaleo, Alexei Safonov  New detectors: Archana Sharma, Marcello Abbrescia  Electronics: Paul Aspell  Integration into CMS and infrastructure, costing: TBD  Twiki: 

4 Simulation Goals  Goals:  Quantify physics gains for each proposed element and groups of elements  Determine optimal detector parameters  Strategy:  Implement “maximum scenario” configuration  Optimize parameters for performance  Evaluate performance if system is reduced  Example: drop hits to emulate “short” ME-0

5 Deliverables  Trigger (Level-1 is what we are worried about):  Stub (per station) reconstruction efficiency  Also rate to make sure we can sustain them  L-1 muon track reconstruction efficiency and single muon trigger rate versus momentum and eta  Standalone L1 muon and L1 muon + track trigger  Offline (muon extension to |  |=4):  ME-0 stub reconstruction efficiency and rate  Reconstruction efficiency and p T resolution for “globalMuon”  ME-0 + forward pixel extension track  Suitably defined fake rate for globalMuons

6 Technical Implementation Strategy  Simulate all new systems at least to simHit level  Geometry in CMSSW for old and new HE scenarios  Accompanying CMSSW code (detIds)  Deploy simplified producers to create standard or custom objects (e.g. recoMuon) needed for the “deliverables”  If digis or RecHits are there, e.g. GE-1/1, or easy to make, no need to cut corners  Allows skipping complex and tedious steps related to data formats, channel numbering etc.  Establish the baseline and produce “deliverables”  Continuously improve precision by replacing “shortcuts” with a complete implementation

7 Geometry Integration Status  Global CMS Scenarios in CMSSW (against 6.2.0SLHC7):  Current HE, extended CFCal and HGCal; Shashlyk incompatible with new muon coverage?  Outlines:  Red- critical deliverables for physics studies (need to be in “standard format”)  Orange – important for detector optimization (can be custom) ObjectME-0GE-1/1GE-2/1RE-3/1RE-4/1 SimHitsYes Trigger DigisCustomYes Standalone TriggerCustom Custom* Muon+Track System independent (up to  =2.4): work is being started DigisBypassYes RecHitBypassYes ?? LocalCustomYes ?? GlobalIn progressYes ?? High p T n/aIn progressn/a

8 Critical Tasks and Manpower: ME-0  Deliverables:  Global Muons for physics studies  Muon efficiency, resolution and fake rate for a suitably optimized detector  CMSSW Geometry:  Close to being fully integrated (I. Osborne, S. Dildick, M. Maggi, C. Calabria)  Digis to global chain in progress  Simplified implementation and the overall framework: Northeastern (Nash, Trocino, Barberis) ~ 1.2 FTE, access to experts (M. Maggi, S. Krutelyov)  Some first results available, need to iterate with a realistic forward pixel extension setup  Studies critical for obtaining realistic results:  Track re-fit with muon hits included - NEU  Neutron backgrounds estimation in FLUKA – TAMU-Qatar (A. Castaneda) ~0.2 FTE  Proper segment reconstruction: a small fraction of M. Maggi (INFN-Bari)  Short-living background estimation: TBD  Optimization of segmentation and design, e.g. extra absorber between layers

9 Critical Tasks and Manpower: GE1/1 & 2/1  Deliverables: improved trigger performance, full offline reconstruction  Overall very good shape, no extremely critical outstanding issues  A strong team in place – INFN-Bari, TAMU and TAMU-Qatar, Ghent, Sofia, Egypt, Saha  Remaining studies (not on critical path):  Custom reconstruction for high p T muons (C. Calabria, Archie Sharma, A. Colaleo, S. Krutleyov) and seeding with GEMs (R. Radogna with help of experts: S. Krutelyov, D. Trocino)  Proper background estimations for GE-2/1 (A. Castaneda) and implementation in digitizers (B. Pavlov, R. Hadjiiska) with input from other experts (S. Costantini)  “Commercialization” of validation (T. Kamon, Y. Assrain et al.) and tunes to geomenty (S. Banerjee, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Chowdhury)  More critical remaining studies:  Completion of the local trigger algorithm implementation – S. Dildick, S. Krutelyov, A. Tatarinov, T. Huang, A. Safonov  Proper integration of new features into the full muon TrackFinder - J. Lee, K. Choi (Seoul) starting to interface with Muon TF people with help from experts (S. Dildick, S. Krutelyov, A.S.)  Integration with the L1 Track Trigger – trying to get this going – S. Krutelyov (TAMU)

10 Critical Tasks and Manpower: RE3/1, 4/1  Deliverables:  Introduce RE-3/1 and 4/1 into the trigger for improved performance  Evaluate performance and detector parameters (granularity and timing)  Geometry in CMSSW and digis:  Done, completing full integration validation – P. Verwilligen, I. Osborne, M. Maggi, L. Benucci  Tasks:  Evaluation of background fluxes – S. Costantini; followed by integration for digitization (R. Hadjiska)  Completion of the local trigger primitives implementation – P. Verwilligen  Proper integration into the full muon TrackFinder – technical implementation has many synergies with GE-1/1 and GE-2/1  Dedicated performance and detector optimization studies (timing and position resolution) – likely based on dimuon triggers and signals like rare B decays to pairs of muons (G. Grenier, S. Aly)  Less critical items:  Reconstruction – what is the plan?

11 Simulation Samples Needed  xxx SampleConfiguration Requirements EventsSizePurpose MinBias/ No PU Muon detectors, New Central Tracker, Forward pixel extension, HGCal/CFCal 100M?50kB/ event Standalone trigger rate studies (critical for all simplified results),Track+muon trigger design studies, ME-0 charged track rate estimation (critical as mixing at simHit level) Neutrino gun + high PU Same (forward pixel extension not needed early on) Standalone muon trigger studies (with full implementation),Track+muon trigger rate estimation, GEM offline reconstruction optimization, RPC trigger timing studies, ME-0 once more complete implementation is done Muon gun + high PU Eta from 1.1 to 4.0; fixed p T values: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 100; Same eta and 2<p T <50 50k each 5 kB/ event Efficiency estimates for all studies H->4mu High PU Forward pixel extension critical 100kImprovements due to extended coverage In-situ measurements of ME-0 fake rate WH->munu ggForward pixel extension100kIn-situ measurements of ME-0 fake rate H-> tau tauforward pixel extension not critical 100kSignal sample to motivate standalone muon trigger improvements Bd->mumu100k?Signal sample for RPC timing studies Z’ ->mumuM=2, 5, 7 TeV?100k?High pT studies Z->mumu100kA “realistic” sample for efficiency benchmarking

12 Summary  To be written in  I also want to add a slide or two on aging effects. We have not yet talked about integrating them into simulation, but we should  Apologies for people’s names missing, we should add anyone who has not been mentioned and wasn’t.

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