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Rocks and Minerals. Important  All rocks are made of 2 or more minerals, but minerals are not made of rocks.  Review of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and Minerals. Important  All rocks are made of 2 or more minerals, but minerals are not made of rocks.  Review of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and Minerals

2 Important  All rocks are made of 2 or more minerals, but minerals are not made of rocks.  Review of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock cycle ck_cycle_in_ms_paint/ ck_cycle_in_ms_paint/ ck_cycle_in_ms_paint/  emblyId=68361&type=A emblyId=68361&type=A emblyId=68361&type=A

3 Rocks  mountain - huge, giant hunk of rock that is still attached to the earth's crust, doesn't move, tall  boulder - large, taller than a person  rock - large, you could get your arms around it or a bit smaller but it is usually jagged, broken off a bigger piece of rock  river rock - round rocks that are along the edge & at the bottom of fast-flowing rivers  stone - medium, you could hold it in two hands  pebble - small, you can hold it with two fingers, could get stuck in your shoe, usually rounded  sand - made up of tiny pieces of rock, grains of sand  grain - tiny, like a grain of rice or smaller, often found on a beach dust - really fine powder that is mixed in with sand or soil  speck - as in a speck of dirt

4 Minerals  A mineral is the same all the way through. That is one reason we speak of a sample or a specimen rather than a rock. There are about 3000 known minerals on earth. All rocks are made up of 2 or more of these minerals.

5 Terms for describing minerals  Color – this varies depending on the chemicals present and is the least informative in identifying a mineral variety Color  Luster – what the surface looks like in the light Luster  Specific Gravity – how heavy it feels, heft Specific Gravity Specific Gravity  Crystal Form – shape of crystal, shape the mineral would take if it had room to grow in a cavity, not massive – some minerals have a number of different crystal shapes Cleavage – pattern when mineral is broken – in planes or is conchoidal Fracture Tenacity - toughness, how cohesive the mineral is, if it falls apart Hardness – what it can scratch & what scratches it Crystal Form Cleavage FractureTenacity Hardness Crystal Form Cleavage FractureTenacity Hardness  Transparency - The ability to transmit light. Depending on a number of things, rocks & minerals can also transmit light. Many rocks that are opaque when in a chunk, are translucent when cut into very thin slices. Gems stones are often valued on how clear, or transparent they are. Special Properties– magnetism, chatoyancy, fluorescence, odor, streak, burn test, conductivity Transparency

6 Crystals  Crystals are minerals that have had the chance to grow in the shape that they were meant to be.  When there is just a big hunk of a mineral, it is called a massive mineral.  If there is a definite shape with easy to see flat sides, it is called a mineral crystal.  Most of the earth's crystals were formed millions of years ago.

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