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Assignment 1 (Chapter 2) Prepared by Dr. Lamiaa Elshenawy 1.

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1 Assignment 1 (Chapter 2) Prepared by Dr. Lamiaa Elshenawy 1

2  Use Caesar cipher to encrypt this message “Our meeting on Monday at building BB in the morning”  Use Caesar cipher to decrypt this message “ZH ZLOO WUDYHO EB WUDLQ LQ WKH HYHQLQJ”

3  Use Monoalphabetic and Vigenère ciphers to encrypt this message “Transfer money to me”  Encrypt word “BY” using Vernam cipher and then decrypt it again  ASCII code of B=1000010  ASCII code of Y=1011001

4  Encrypt this message using Playfair cipher “save yourself”  Decrypt this message by Caesar cipher WKH HADP RI FRPSXWHU VHFXULWB WRGDB LQ WKH DIWHUQRRQ

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