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Kidney and its Role in Maintaining Homeostasis. Do fish pee? Which fish has to drink? Which fish has more dilute urine?

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Presentation on theme: "Kidney and its Role in Maintaining Homeostasis. Do fish pee? Which fish has to drink? Which fish has more dilute urine?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kidney and its Role in Maintaining Homeostasis

2 Do fish pee? Which fish has to drink? Which fish has more dilute urine?

3 Do birds pee? Investment of energy in producing nitrogeneous waste! Fish--little investment-- Ammonia Mammals--some investment for storage in bladder-- Urea Birds--produce uric acid which can be stored as solid waste!!

4 Role of the Excretory System Filtration: Rebsorption: Secretion: Excretion:

5 Organization of Excretory System

6 Functional Unit: Nephron Organization


8 Why are you thirsty? Blood osmolarity is greater than the set point! The extra solute in your blood interacts with receptors in your brain. The hormone ADH (Anti- diuretic hormone) works to correct this!

9 Does caffiene make you pee more? Caffiene is a weak inhibitor of ADH. What would that do? Does coffee/Coca- Cola quench your thirst?

10 What if your kidneys stop working? Hemodialysis

11 What are kidney stones? Buildup of vitamins or minerals. Due to diet/genetics

12 Can you die from drinking too much (water)? Yes! Hyponatremia What is out of balance? What organs are affected

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