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The Byzantine Empire and Justinian Timeline of the Fall of Rome 324- Constantine reunites Roman Empire 330- Moves the capital to Constantinople 410-

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Presentation on theme: "The Byzantine Empire and Justinian Timeline of the Fall of Rome 324- Constantine reunites Roman Empire 330- Moves the capital to Constantinople 410-"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Byzantine Empire and Justinian

3 Timeline of the Fall of Rome 324- Constantine reunites Roman Empire 330- Moves the capital to Constantinople 410- Rome is attacked by the Vandals 413- Constantinople begins building its protective walls to keep Germanics out 420- Rome attacked again 476- Rome falls, along with the Empire

4 The New Roman Empire Byzantine Empire Empire 565 AD Empire 668 AD

5 The New Capital: Constantinople Location picked for many reasons –Far away from Germanic invaders (barbarians) –Close to connections with the East for trade –Protected by the Black Sea and other water –Easily able to defend it; could only attack 1 way Had an interesting set up for the city Large walls and moats protected it Many famous buildings still there today

6 Layout of Constantinople

7 Protective Walls of ConstantinopleWalls Walls were used to keep invaders out or at least stall them Had three levels, and moats Archers could rain down arrows

8 New Leader Following Rome’s Fall Justinian becomes the new emperor in 527 –Reunifies the empire as his first duty –Attacks Germanic tribes to regain lands (Rome) Creates a new empire due to lack of communication w/ Rome Changes many things about the Roman Empire, including language and church

9 Changes in the Byzantine Empire Justinian’s Code- new legal code –Based off Roman law- took the best laws –Lasted for over 900 years after his death Language changes –Used to be Latin, now native language is Greek Changes in the Church –Church branches into Western and Eastern –Have different beliefs, becomes Eastern Orthodox

10 Justinian’s Other Improvements Rebuilt the major protective walls Rebuilds the Hagia Sophia –Was a major religious building; was destroyed –Rebuilt due to love for religious buildings Beautified Constantinople w/ different things –Used mosaics all over the city –Used lights and candles to light up mosaics Also built baths, aqueducts, laws, schools and hospitals

11 Hagia Sophia


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