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Presentation on theme: " Update. A 4 th generation science park After: The Rise of innovation districts: A new Geography of Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update

2 A 4 th generation science park After: The Rise of innovation districts: A new Geography of Innovation in America Bruce Katz, Julie Wagner ; Metropolitan Policy Programme at Brookings 2014 An animateur of the intra-/inter-connected city Economic growth driven by geography-independent communities local talent augmented by global communities of interest Innovation driven by gigabit connectivity

3 A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind Antoine Saint-Exupery

4 ‘the creative destruction wrought by entrepreneurs in close proximity to one another was the driving force for progress’ Joseph Schumpeter (1942) ‘Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy’ Harper and Row NY Entrepreneurs

5 a connected convivial epicentre for communities defined by interest not location ®

6 A physical place promoting community dynamics by striking a balance between order and chaos with proactive and energetic management catalysing interaction ® iCentrum®

7 Innovation Marketplace Accelerator/ Serendip® Serendip ® Structured pensive environment Order creative chaos Designed to promote innovation

8 In-house projects that drive innovation behind corporate firewalls Places or projects modelled on Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programmes Small teams, taken out of their normal working environment, given freedom from their organisation's standard management constraints Skunk-works

9 iCentrum® ground-floor plan An open membership creating an externalised skunk-works promoting market-based innovation

10 ® Serendip Smart City Incubator

11 ‘The Three Princes of Serendip’ Horace Walpole (Let. to Mann, 28 Jan. 1754) (Serendip, old name for Ceylon, Sri Lanka) Serendip® hack-accelerate-incubate-deliver A market-needs led - challenge-based - data rich ecosystem driving smart city innovations Stimulating creative serendipity by promoting collisions of thoughts and ideas to open doors to new possibilities

12 Serendip® Innovation Challenges Market-led innovation needs and opportunities driven by customer supplier and market needs Supported by sector enabling partners alongside IBL business incubation environment Challenge driven competition and selection

13 Intelligent Mobility Centro / Transport Systems Catapult Digital Health WMAHSN Internet of Things npower ‘Eagle Lab’ Barclays Low Carbon Accelerator prospective partner engaged Built Environment prospective partner engaged Serendip ®

14 Innovation Birmingham Campus – Master Plan Universities Centre 524m 2 Start of construction: Feb 16 iCentrum R 4,200m 2 Complete: Mar 16 Maker Wharf 2,400m 2 Target Start of construction: Summer 16 Faraday Wharf 5,500m 2 Holt Street Love Lane Aston Expressway Building 3 c6,000m 2

15 Universities Centre A collaboration with the city’s five universities to offer flexible workspace designed to reduce the perceived/actual barriers to effective collaboration between early-stage, micro-enterprises, small businesses and universities

16 The Maker Space digital prototyping facility, FabLab, will link the digital technologies with the maker economy. Promoting re-skilling, lifestyle development of hobbies into opportunities across all age groups, a place to create prototypes to support the foundation of new cross-sector maker-economy businesses Maker Wharf

17 Innovation Birmingham Campus Integrated urban location Connected real estate Multi-sector stimulated Highly collaborative, flexible, data rich Kinetic communities of creative nomads The city’s beacon for the ‘digital innovation’

18 Connect Communicate Collaborate Create

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