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“Edelweiss” tentative contributions G. Chardin DAPNIA, CEA/Saclay.

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1 “Edelweiss” tentative contributions G. Chardin DAPNIA, CEA/Saclay

2 Electronics and DAQ R&D Fast ADCs (12 bits, 100-500 Msamples/s) Digital acquisition systems (acquire continuously signals from detectors, decision on numerical flow, software trigger and online analysis) ; experience from Edelweiss-I and -II Ultra-low noise electronics (in particular GaAs HEMTs)

3 Detector development Very high resolution calorimeters R&D on localization by analysis of fast charge signal Participation to calibration test facility (AGATA, GERDA, …) for study of SSE vs. MSE

4 Other possible developments Design of large underground infrastructure, especially if compatible with EURECA design study (Dark Matter EU facility) Contribution to MCIRI magnet design and/or construction (discussion with A. Dael, SACM) ? Active neutron background veto

5 Remarks These propositions must be validated by our scientific committees and by the board of coordinators of Edelweiss Which EU tool(s) should we use ? –Network, design study, … How can we be inserted in the FP7 EU framework ? Insertion of “Edelweiss” DBD R&D in EU structure if possible

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