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Present Simple & Present Continuous 1. Present Simple 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Simple & Present Continuous 1. Present Simple 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Simple & Present Continuous 1

2 Present Simple 2

3 Practice 1: Write the third person singular of the verbs in the list in the correct box. dancefinishstudyopenmix prayputmisslikedry docatchwashsaycry copywatchplaypassbegin -s-es-ies dancesfinishesstudies 3

4 Practice 1 -s-es-ies dances opens prays puts likes says plays begins finishes mixes misses does catches washes watches passes studies dries cries copies 4

5 Present Simple 5

6 Practice 2: Write the third person singular of the verbs in the correct box. Read them aloud. laughkissreadlookspeak kickputcatchdrivebrush ridewalkopenjumpplay knowcoughseedanceclose helplistenwatchwashtravel writeloseeatrainchange / s // iz // z / laughskissesreads 6

7 Practice 2 / s // iz // z / looks speaks kicks puts walks jumps coughs helps writes eats catches brushes dances closes watches washes loses changes drives rides opens plays knows sees listens travels rains 7

8 Uses of Present Simple 8

9 9

10 10

11 Uses of Present Simple 11

12 Uses of Present Simple 12

13 Practice 3: Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverb in brackets in the place. 13

14 2.Is he always on time for work? 3.Karen sometimes has cereal for breakfast. 4.Paul doesn’t usually listen to music in the evening. 5.The children rarely help with housework. 6.Must you always play your music so loud? 7.Sheila can never park her car properly. Practice 3: Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverb in brackets in the place. 14

15 Present Continuous 15

16 Practice 1 16

17 Practice 1 + ing studying mending trying cooking sleeping -iey + ing lie lying die dying -e ing diving writingtaking Double Consonant + ing swimmingshoppingstopping sitting 17

18 Uses of Present Continuous 18

19 Uses of Present Continuous 19

20 Uses of Present Continuous 20

21 Practice 2: Look at the picture and put the verbs in the brackets into the present continuous. 21

22 22

23 23

24 24

25 2.What does the nurse do? She looks after patients. Is she looking after patients now? No, she isn’t. She’s reading a book. 3.What does the mad do? She cleans the house. Is she cleaning the house now? No, she isn’t. She’s talking on the phone. 4.What does the vet do? He treats animals. Is he treating animals now? No, he isn’t. He’s listening to music. 25

26 5.What does a mechanic do? He repairs cars. Is he repairing cars? No, he isn’t. He’s eating a sandwich. 6.What does the waiter do? He serves customers. Is he serving customers now? No, he isn’t. He’s reading a newspaper. 26

27 Practice 3: Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 27

28 Practice 3: Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 2.does this sign mean 3.usually meet training 5.owns 6.are playing 7.doesn’t usually have 8.buys 9.are not going 10.Does Pierre speak / speaks 28

29 29

30 2.Do I know 3.think starring he coming 7.need 8.loves 9.enjoys 10. is he staying 11. wants 12. doesn’t like staying 30

31 31

32 writing repairing 4.usually ride 5.start 6.finish 7.have working 10. is leaving 11. worry 32

33 Correct the mistakes. 33

34 Correct the mistakes. 1.Steve is going finishing tomorrow. 2.Rebecca washes her hair every day. 3.I visit my grandparents every week. 4.Tim doesn’t want to do his homework. 5.He is sitting on the floor at the moment. 6.Do you always watch TV in the evenings? 7.Sarah drinks coffee every morning. 8.They don’t usually go on holiday in May. 9.Does she work late? No, she never does. 10.Peter is looking for a new house at the moment. 34

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