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1 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013.

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1 1 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

2 2 11th meeting of the INFORM network of EU Regional Policy communication officers Selected communication activities from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment in Poland Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

3 Communication Plan for Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013 Specific objectives: informing the general public about the effects and benefits of the use of European Funds under OPI&E and indirectly from the integration of the European Union, to provide the public with a general knowledge of OPI&E (including the objectives of the programme) and the level of implementation of the programme. 3 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

4 4 Communication Plan for Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013 These activities are, in particular, to provide information on programme outcomes and the benefits of its implementation on the macroeconomic level and for individual sectors of the economy, as well as regional and local societies, authorities and social and professional groups. Also cooperation with social partners and economic environments, opinion leaders, mass media in the process of implementation of the OPI&E. MA`s main task: implementation of information, promotion and educational level of the programme on the basis of a communication plan and annual action plans.

5 5 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013 Safe slides with the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment Educational campaign announced in January and February 2012 (the first edition in 2011). three locations. Cooperation with Headquarters of the State Fire Service and City Fire Brigade commands. Aimed at children aged 8-13. The entire action was attended by nearly 300 elementary school students. The rules of safe behaviour in winter. Fireman lectures, supplemented by screening equipment financed from the OPI&E, used in the rescue actions. With the participation of specialized water rescue diving action participants had the opportunity to watch the mock rescue operations carried out on the local frozen lake. Actions attracted the attention not only of students but also the local community and mass media.

6 6 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

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8 8 Tours trail of OPI&E June 2012 Nearly 1300 students of primary and secondary schools from entire Poland. Special website dedicated to the event. A total of 40 trips to the national parks - the beneficiaries of the Programme Infrastructure and Environment: –Gorczański, –Karkonoski, –Narwiański, –Wielkopolski.

9 9 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

10 10 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013 Green bus of OPI&E August 2012 Four coastal towns: –Łeba, –Władysławowo, –Dębki, –Mielno. Shows of the uniformed services. Numerous contests and animated projections. During the classes you could learn how EU funds can help protect the environment, how the process of construction of the road looks like, or how the wind farm works.

11 11 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

12 12 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013 August 2012 Six locations (towns): –Katowice, –Zakopane, –Poznań, –Warszawa, –Giżycko, –Sopot. Three-dimensional animation combined with a large-screen projection of a 3D mapping show. A method for multimedia presentation of EU investments with the support of OPI&E. See the Power Effects – OPI&E Summer Cinema

13 13 Ministry of Regional Development Budapest, 30-31 May 2013

14 Thank you for your attention MARCIN BIAŁEK Information and Publicity Officer Department for Coordination of Infrastructural Programmes Ministry of Regional Development e-mail:


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