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Shakespearean Talk Show A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.

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1 Shakespearean Talk Show A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM

2 “ ” Objectives Y OU WILL BE ABLE TO :  Produce an interpretation  Execute a written response to literary themes  Generate an oral presentation  Use information from multiple sources

3 English- Language Arts Standards Create responses to literary text through a variety of methods (for example, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, media productions, and the visual and performing arts) Use complete sentences in a variety of types (including simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex) Use grammatical conventions of written Standard American English including subject- verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, agreement of nouns and their modifiers, verb formation, pronoun case, formation of comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and idiomatic usage. Use vocabulary (including Standard American English) that is appropriate for the particular audience or purpose Create written works, oral and auditory presentations, and visual presentations that are designed for a specific audience and purpose

4 Shakespearean Talk Show Description: For this assignment, you will work within a small group, and each group will choose a scene from the “Scenes for the Final Performance Handout” to perform. You will need to read the lines from the scene that you choose very carefully because you will transform the events that take place in your scene into a talk show format.

5 General Parameters for the Talk Show: Talk shows that you could emulate include The Ellen Show, The Tonight Show, Dr. Phil, etc. I advise you to use or some other source to watch these shows, so that you can create a similar script and set. Each group MUST have a talk show host who can either be a character within the play, Shakespeare himself, or anyone else that you think is appropriate. For this assignment you will create a script, costumes, and a set for your talk show. You can use the exact words from the play, create a modern version of the text, or do a mixture of both.

6 Shakespearean Talk Show Rubrics: Scene Dramatization & Director’s Notebook Criteria Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge & Understanding Main character Reflects limited understanding of character Reflects an understanding of character & main elements of character Interprets character & situation w/ considerable accuracy Shows insightful understanding of situation & character Thinking & Inquiry Interpretation of situation & relationship w/ other characters Reflects limited understanding of situation or minor characters Acts & interacts w/ other characters w/ some consistency Acts & interacts w/ other characters w/ consistency Conveys an understanding of the motives of other characters & the context within which they act Communication Audience & purpose Communicates with limited sense of audience & purpose Shows an awareness of audience w/ voice, position, & movement Shows a connection w/ the audience through use of voice, position, & movement Feeds off the situation & the audience in a skillful sensitive manner ApplicationVoice & Movement Uses voice & body movements w/ limited skills, inaudible voice, little movement Supports interpretation of the character w/ audible voice & some characteristic action Varies pitch, tone, and volume to reflect interpretation of characters gestures & actions Uses pitch, tone, pacing & volume to skillfully render the character; gestures reflect & complement an insightful view of the character


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