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Lessons learned by Community Plant Variety Office - CPVO Hans Walter Rutz Community agencies: partners in accession 25 to 27 November 2009, Lisbon.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons learned by Community Plant Variety Office - CPVO Hans Walter Rutz Community agencies: partners in accession 25 to 27 November 2009, Lisbon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons learned by Community Plant Variety Office - CPVO Hans Walter Rutz Community agencies: partners in accession 25 to 27 November 2009, Lisbon

2 Overview 1. CPVO 2. Cooperation in Multi-beneficiary program 3. Program management 4. Lessons learned

3 CPVO - Duties CPVO implements and applies the Community Plant Variety Rights system. It allows Intellectual Property Rights, valid throughout the Community, to be granted for plant varieties. Legal Basis Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community plant variety rights

4 CPVO Requirements for the granting of plant breeders’ rights Distinct Uniform Stable New Denomination Technical testing in field trials Administrative checking

5 CPVO Cooperation in Multi-beneficiary Program 2006/2007: Croatia, Turkey 2008: Croatia, fYRoM, Turkey 2009/2010: Albania, Croatia, fYRoM, Serbia, Turkey

6 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Objectives To inform qualified bodies and stake- holders about administrative, technical and procedural aspects of the CPVR system, the legal impacts after acces- sion and to prepare national authorities to contribute to the system.

7 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program 2006/200720082009/2010 Activities30 ~ 47 Activity Days319165~ 312 Traveling Days15392~ 196

8 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Program management Program manager - seconded national expert Why? - Number of employees in CPVO restricted, - Degree of capacity utilisation of each employee very high, - Funding of MBP independent from CPVO budget,

9 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Program manager Requirements: -Experiences in Plant Variety Rights -Experiences in conduction of EU IPA projects -immediately available

10 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Program manager -Duties: Elaboration and implementation of a working program on the basis of the contribution agreement between EU and CPVO, elaboration of detailed budget -Not responsible for financial subjects -Support by CPVO stuff for booking transport and hotel accommodation

11 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Program manager 2006/2007: seconded national expert, Angers, 2008: national expert, home organi- sation, 2009/2010: private consultant Lesson: different constructions are possible

12 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Working procedure -First contacts with BC via Permanent Delegations at EU Commission, Lesson: not all potential BC reacted -Evaluation missions with first discus- sion of working programs, Lesson: height interest in PVR, some- times communication problems

13 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Working procedure -Nomination of contact persons by BC, Lesson: one of the most important persons for a successful implementation requirements: - good English knowledge, - experiences in the subject, - good involvement in home organization

14 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Working procedure -Agreement on working program and benchmarks, Lesson: involvement of heads of units -Conduction of activities, Lesson: make clear written arrangements in the minimum by e-mail

15 CPVO – Multi-beneficiary program Working procedure -Evaluation of working program and bench-marks, Lesson: common evaluation -Change of administration or contact person, Lesson: personal visit in BC

16 Thank you for your attention

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