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Constant Electromagnetic Field Section 19. Constant fields E and H are independent of time t.  and A can be chosen time independent, too.

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Presentation on theme: "Constant Electromagnetic Field Section 19. Constant fields E and H are independent of time t.  and A can be chosen time independent, too."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constant Electromagnetic Field Section 19

2 Constant fields E and H are independent of time t.  and A can be chosen time independent, too.

3 We can add an arbitrary constant to  without changing E or H. Only a constant (no t or r dependence) can be added to  for constant fields. An extra condition is usually imposed, e.g.  = 0 at infinity. Then  is determined uniquely.

4 We can add an arbitrary constant to A without changing E or H, but we can also add functions. A function of coordinates grad(f) can still be added to A without changing E or H. A is not unique even for constant fields.

5 Energy of charge in constant electromagnetic field. If fields are constant, the Lagrangian is independent of time The energy is conserved and equals the Hamiltonian.

6 The constant field adds energy e  to the particle. e  is the “potential” energy of a charge in the field. The energy does not depend on A, so H does no work on the charge. Only E changes the energy of a particle.

7 Uniform constant fields Electric field has no r dependence  = -E.r

8 Uniform constant fields A is not unique Two examples that both give uniform H: A 1 = (1/2) H x r A 2 = [-H y, 0, 0] These two choices differ by grad(f), where f = -xyH/2

9 One possible vector potential for a uniform field Let’s see if it works

10 The other possible choice of vector potential for uniform constant field was (We chose the z-axis parallel to the H field.) Now let’s check this one

11 Were two of the possible choices for the vector potential of a uniform constant field We said they differed by Let’s check the difference

12 Which function  (x) vs. x does not give a constant uniform electric field? 1 2 3

13 3

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