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Dead Bulb Walking Greg Drewry Clint Huxtable Jared Jones Brandon Sneed.

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Presentation on theme: "Dead Bulb Walking Greg Drewry Clint Huxtable Jared Jones Brandon Sneed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dead Bulb Walking Greg Drewry Clint Huxtable Jared Jones Brandon Sneed

2 Device Design Generator Design Components: 3” ten penny nail Four block magnets 600’ of 30 gauge copper wire 2”X4”X4” Outdoor electrical box 10 tooth gear Generator design modeled after: Windmill Design Components: Plastic fan blade 2 3/8” wooden dowels Two pieces of plywood 1 ½” wooden dowel #6 1 ½” wood screws #40 ¾” bolts and nuts Approximately 50 tooth gear Two 2 ½” nails A small amount of Elmer’s wood glue We approached this project as two separate designs which would later be integrated to make one system.

3 Mechanical Aspects Torque provided by air moving across fan blades is used to spin the shaft. The opposite end of the shaft has the fifty tooth gear attached by a bolt. The fifty tooth gear’s teeth are meshed with the teeth of the 10 tooth gear on the shaft of the generator.

4 Electrical Aspects The shaft of the generator has four block magnets balanced in a dipole configuration. The 30 gauge wire was coiled around the modified electrical box at a 90° angle with respect to the axis of rotation of the magnets. The alternating magnetic field acting upon the electrons in the coil of wire induces an alternating current in the coil.

5 Calculations P eff = P actual * 100 / P input P = Power (watts) L = Distance from fan A = Area of fan blades R = Radius of fan v = Velocity of air from fan Ρ air = Density of air KE = Kinetic Energy

6 Summary of Design and Construction Issues Impeller design discussed – 03/05/09 Impeller and generator design agreed upon – 03/10/09 Generator completed – 04/01/09 Impeller design completed and tested – 04/16/09 New design discussed, agreed upon, and planning – 04/16/09 Final design completed and tested – 04/20/09 Vertical mounting of impeller shaft. Shaping and balancing the impeller blades. Installing and shaping impeller shield. Mounting the generator to keep generator shaft in place. Minimizing friction of gear drive

7 Conclusion The project was a success, even in light of us building the wind powered portion twice. In hindsight the only thing we agree might have been simpler or more efficient would be a belt drive system since overcoming the friction between the gears would no longer become an issue. Time to complete the project was never an issue thanks to good teamwork, planning and time management.

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