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ST. JOSEPH’S N.S. PARENTS ASSOCIATION Session #2 Our Children Online Internet awareness & safety.

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Presentation on theme: "ST. JOSEPH’S N.S. PARENTS ASSOCIATION Session #2 Our Children Online Internet awareness & safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 ST. JOSEPH’S N.S. PARENTS ASSOCIATION Session #2 Our Children Online Internet awareness & safety

2 GOAL Help and empower our children to use the internet Safely and Responsibly

3 How much time is my child spending online? What is my child reading and viewing online? What info & images is my child sharing online? How is my child behaving online? How can I discuss online safety with my child? 5 questions:



6 Adults Young people Consumers (mostly) “Digital Immigrants” Producers & Consumers Web 2.0 “Digital Natives” What’s happening online?

7 Children and entertainment media How many hours per day do 8- to 18-year- olds spend using entertainment media? (i.e. computer, video games, TV, movies, music, print media) Kaiser Family Foundation study (January 2010) in USA Generation M 2 : Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds

8 Children and entertainment media How many hours per day do 8- to 18-year- olds spend using entertainment media? (i.e. computer, video games, TV, movies, music, print media) 7.4 hours per day Kaiser Family Foundation study (January 2010) in USA Generation M 2 : Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds

9 Youth & media research Generation M 2 : Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-year olds 70% youth say their families have no rules about how much time they can spend with TV, computer, games.

10 Youth & media research Generation M 2 : Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-year olds 70% youth say their families have no rules about how much time they can spend with TV, computer, games. When parents set limits (any limits), children spend almost 3 hrs/day LESS consuming media.

11 Youth & media research Generation M 2 : Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-year olds 70% youth say their families have no rules about how much time they can spend with TV, computer, games. When parents to set limits (any limits), children spend almost 3 hrs/day LESS consuming media. Tween years are critical! Media use among 11-14 yo’s jumps dramatically compared to younger children. Paediatricians & childcare experts advise firm rules in place by the time children reach tween years.

12 Youth & media research CMCH = Center on Media & Child Health All media is educational – it is what they teach and how well they teach it that vary. Media itself is neutral, but very powerful. If children learn to critically assess media, they will resolve conflicts themselves. The best tool is education! CMCH has a blog & parents newsletter

13 Explicit content/ pornography Explicit content/ pornography Cyberpredators Cyberbullying ? ? ?


15 Filters & Parental Controls Filtering web sites is useful for younger children, but less useful as children get older:  Innocent content can be blocked  Older children can bypass filters  Older children can use the internet everywhere  Remember: “the best filter is between your ears”

16 Teaching our children Media Literacy = critical thinking about online information & behaviour  what we read / view / download  what we write / post / upload

17 Teaching our children Media Literacy = critical thinking about online information & behaviour  what we read / view / download  what we write / post / upload  The 3C’s:  Cyber-security  Cyber-safety  Cyber-ethics = “digital citizenship”

18 Teaching our children Media Literacy = critical thinking about online information & behaviour  what we read / view / download  what we write / post / upload  The 3C’s:  Cyber-security  Cyber-safety  Cyber-ethics = “digital citizenship” Keep communicating !

19 Social networking sites

20 Club Penguin Club Penguin is a “virtual world” & social networking site for younger children. They create penguin characters and hang out with others to chat & play games in a cartoon environment. CP is generally a safe environment, but there are risks: enticements to paid membership & merchandise and exposure to unfriendly behaviour.

21 Club Penguin: Advice for Parents Not appropriate for children under age 7 Set Parental Controls (including time limits) Show your child how to use safety features, e.g. “M” button for moderator, ignore/block buttons No sharing passwords! Opportunity to discuss privacy, i.e. what is “OK” and “not OK” to share Opportunity to discuss chat etiquette (“netiquette”) Check – “Undercover Mom”

22 YouTube: Advice for Parents If you allow your child access to YouTube, talk about videos that are off limits (e.g. fights, pornography, pranks, etc.) An account is required to post videos to YouTube. Take care when setting account, profile & privacy settings! Children U13 should post videos only to family & friends. If your child posts videos to YouTube, check with your child:  Does the video identify you?  Does the video violate anyone else’s privacy (video or tags)?  Are you prepared for comments?  Are you prepared to give up ownership of the video?

23 Web site reviews for parents: Includes information on educational value, what to watch out for (e.g. language, sex, violence), privacy issues, parental controls, etc. YouTube review: Cub Penguin review:


25 Resources

26 “Be Web Aware” philosophy LEARN Understand what Your kids do. LEARN Understand what Your kids do. COMMUNICATE Keep the conversations happening. COMMUNICATE Keep the conversations happening. PARTICIPATE Use the tools and enjoy! PARTICIPATE Use the tools and enjoy!

27 ACTIVITY #2  Create a Club Penguin Child & Parent accounts  Practice using Parent Tools

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