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C ONGRATULATIONS ! YOU all are chosen to become our classroom internet safety teachers!

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2 C ONGRATULATIONS ! YOU all are chosen to become our classroom internet safety teachers!

3 P ROCESS 1. You will work in groups of 4, but you will listen to the videos in pairs. 2. Each group will have a video to watch together. (The next slide tells you what video) 3. After watching the video, all 4 members will discuss what you learned. 4. Each group will teach the important information they learned by making a poster, a poem, or their own song.

4 RESOURCES GROUP 1: etiquetteStinks etiquetteStinks GROUP 2: TheTricks TheTricks GROUP 3: OpenThatFile OpenThatFile GROUP 4: TrustedAdultShow TrustedAdultShow GROUP 5: TheRules TheRules

5 EVALUATION Important information is shared Poster/poem/song is written out neatly Looks nice--is colorful Group members speak loudly to the class EVERYONE participates- each group member has to share something

6 CONCLUSION After listening to each group share their project: 1. Write about one important thing you learned from a different group’s project. 2. Write at least one way you will help others be safe.

7 T EACHER NOTES Plan ahead--have groups already prepared, so they are organized and ready to watch videos Have poster supplies ready Make sure each group has headphones (if in the same room)

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