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Aim: How was American society of the 1920’s a product of WWI, and what changes occurred within this “roaring” society?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How was American society of the 1920’s a product of WWI, and what changes occurred within this “roaring” society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How was American society of the 1920’s a product of WWI, and what changes occurred within this “roaring” society?

2 America Turns Inward  Reasons/Actions for “Return to Normalcy”  Disillusioned by WWI conclusion  Denounced foreign ideas  Condemned “un-American” lifestyles  Restricted foreigners thru restrictive immigration policies  Erected tariffs for economic isolationism  Pursued diplomatic isolationism from European affairs  New technologies, consumer products, and new forms of leisure and entertainment would preoccupy American society

3 The Red Scare (1919-1920)  Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 ignited hysterical fears of communism infiltrating American society  Attorney A. Mitchell Palmer led “Palmer Raids”  Examples of “Anti-Redism”:  Schenck vs. U.S. (1919)- product of hysteria  States passed anti- Red statutes  Rebirth of Nativism  Sacco and Vanzetti Trial  Restrictive Immigration Legislation  Immigrants = anarchists, socialists, and other dangerous ideologies


5 Anarchists Bomb Wall Street

6 Rebirth of the KKK Adopted Anti-foreignism attitude- Nativism  Anti-Catholic  Anti-Black  Anti-Communist  Anti-bootlegger, gambler, etc…  Patriotic group?!?! Symbolized growing intolerance to “non- American” peoples and activities during the 1920’s

7 The 2 nd KKK

8 Anti-Immigrant Legislation Reflective of anti-foreign sentiment, US sought to stem the flood of immigration to US  New Immigrants- from SE Europe seeking political and economic refuge following WWI American response- Restrictive Legislation:  Emergency Quota Act of 1921- 3% quota  Immigration Act of 1924- 2% quota; prohibited Japanese immigration; benefited NW immigrants  Both based upon National Origins system to determine quota numbers


10 Prohibition- “The Noble Experiment”  18 th Amendment (1919)- prohibited sale, manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of alcohol  Amendment illustrated govt attempt to legislate morality  Proved fruitless as “unpopular legislation difficult to enforce”  Amendment later repealed by 21 st Amendment  Led to emergence of bootlegging, speakeasies, moon shining, and growth of organized crime


12 The Scopes Monkey Trial  Focus: Teaching evolution in public schools  H.S. Bio teacher John Scopes arrested for teaching Darwin’s theory  Trial reflected deeper issue of Fundamentalism vs. Modernism  1920’s produced clash b/w traditional and modern values within society

13 Mass Consumption Economy  Economic prosperity = roar  Roar product of:  CONSUMERISM  Cheap energy  Increased productivity  Assembly Line Production  AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY  Advertising  Sporting events

14 Impact of the Automobile Industry  Product of efficiency- assembly line production  Henry Ford pioneer of American automobile industry  Far reaching E and S ramifications  Created employment w/in industry  Initiated boom in supportive industries- gas and rubber  Sparked construction of roads and highways  Efficient transport of perishable foodstuffs  Fostered suburbanization  Mark of American social status  Leisure and travel

15 Assembly Line Production

16 New Industries  Airplane  Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis- 1 st transatlantic voyage by airplane  Sparked aviation industry  Radio- first form of mass media for entertainment purposes  Hollywood’s Movie Industry  D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation- 1 st full length movie  The Jazz Singer- Al Jolson performed in blackface

17 Birth of a Nation

18 New Ideas Spark Controversy Margaret Sanger- championed birth control as new form of feminism Alice Paul campaigned for Equal Rights Amendment to Constitution- defeated in 1970’s Modernists view of religion in society Flappers- “New 20’s woman”

19 The Harlem Renaissance  Period of literary, artistic, and musical rebirth in African American culture  Langston Hughes  Marcus Garvey  Louis Armstrong  Duke Ellington  Bessie Smith  The Cotton Club The Cotton Club  The Apollo

20 Charlie Chaplin and Clara Bow

21 Jelly Roll Morton Ma Rainey Bessie Smith Music

22 Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington George Gershwin

23 Review Questions  Why did America turn inward after WWI?  What steps did America take to reduce the influence of foreign ideas and people?  Explain how controversy emerged over prohibition and evolution.  Explain the impact of consumerism and the automobile upon American society.  How was the 1920’s a decade of both normalcy and change?

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