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7/13/2010 D1 T.Gogami JLab Hall-C. 1. about E05-115 2. Event display track – detectors track – chamber wire coordinate.

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Presentation on theme: "7/13/2010 D1 T.Gogami JLab Hall-C. 1. about E05-115 2. Event display track – detectors track – chamber wire coordinate."— Presentation transcript:

1 7/13/2010 D1 T.Gogami 6/30/2009 @ JLab Hall-C

2 1. about E05-115 2. Event display track – detectors track – chamber wire coordinate

3 (π +, K + ) (K -, π - ) (e,e’K + ) KEK, BNL, J-PARK JLab, Mainz 2009 年 8 – 11 月 E05-115 実験 beam time 7 Li, 9 Be, 10 B, 12 C, 52 Cr ( 7 Λ He, 9 Λ Li, 10 Λ Be, 12 Λ B, 52 Λ V) Hall C counting room, JLab ラファエロ 丸田さん 七條さん 千葉君

4 E05-115 実験概念図 標的核 e + p  e’ + Λ + K + e + p  e’ + Σ 0 + K + ハイパー核の質量方程式 既知 測定 分かる beam 2 [ μA ]

5 e + p  e’ + K + + Λ

6 Track  position and angle at reference plane find space point TOF pre track left right pre track selection select good combination track fit select good track Reference plane Z X position angle chamber 1 chamber 2 hit particle momentum angle @ target F2T function 回路室

7 Motivation I want to see ① Track and hit counters ② Track and hit wire_coordinate (wire_center + drift distance) track, residual, chi square, wire_coord

8 TGeometry prepartion 1. TGeoMaterial 2. TGeoMedium 3. TGeoVolume Set Volumes 1. top volume (e.g.TGeoBox) 2. daughters (e.g. TGeoTube) 3. top ->AddNode(daughter,id,M) M:TGeoHMatrix (translation,rotation) TVirtualGeoTrack track->AddPoint(x,y,z,t) K+K+ KDC2 KTOF1X KDC1

9 ①Track and hit counters HKS detectors の下 WC のシグナルチェック

10 Merit : we can see detectors from angle we want to. K+K+ K+K+ KDC1 KDC2 KTOF1X KTOF1Y KTOF2X AC WC Side view Bottom view

11 ②Track and hit wire_coordinate (wire_center + drift distance) track, residual, chi square, wire_coord Counting room hint

12 uu’ xx’ vv’ particle coordinate uu’ xx’ vv’ residual gauge [mm] wire_coord [cm] track_coord [cm] residual [cm] χ 2 gauge Track ID event ID momentum [GeV/c] χ 2 eye uu’xx’vv’ TOP view +60°-60° +0°


14 Event display track – counters gogami/replay/root/HKSsingle/ gogami/replay/root/HKSsingle/root/hks76314_new2.root track – wire coordinate gogami/replay/root/HKSsingle/ gogami/replay/root/HKSsingle/include/func2.hh gogami/replay/root/HKSsingle/root/hks76314_new2.root End run party 3/11/2010

15 Kappo Nara の男子トイレの中 3/11/2010





20 Λ の反跳運動量とビームの運動量の相関

21 コインシデンスタイム ビームの 2 [ns] のバンチ 構造が見られる アクシデンタル Λ 生成 + アクシデンタル K + 同定後 Accidental


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