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Background for the Library-IT Task Force #2 – Ithaka Faculty Survey Pat Burns Interim Dean, CSU libraries and VP for IT 10/2/2008 1 Library-IT Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Background for the Library-IT Task Force #2 – Ithaka Faculty Survey Pat Burns Interim Dean, CSU libraries and VP for IT 10/2/2008 1 Library-IT Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background for the Library-IT Task Force #2 – Ithaka Faculty Survey Pat Burns Interim Dean, CSU libraries and VP for IT 10/2/2008 1 Library-IT Task Force Background

2 Ithaka Report: Ross Housewright and Roger Schonfeld. “Ithaka’s 2006 Studies of Key Stakeholders in the Digital Transformation in Higher Education,” August 18, 2008, see 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 2

3 Background Large-scale national surveys of faculty in 2000, 2003 and 2006 (2 years behind now) Examines relationship between the Library and the Faculty Survey disciplines ▫Humanities faculty ▫Social sciences faculty ▫Sciences faculty 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 3

4 Significant Findings Role of Library ‘Very Important’, by discipline: ▫Gateway: 52-78% ▫Archive: 70-83% ▫Buyer: 85-88% Starting point for research, by discipline: ▫Library building: 5-12% ▫The Web: 18-28% ▫Library catalog: 15-37% ▫Library database: 32-51% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 4

5 Significant Findings (cont’d) I’d... rather... get the information I need from a computer ▫Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  27% 53% 51% I’d prefer just... hard-copy... journals ▫Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  23% 14% 10% I’d rather... read... a [hardcopy]... journal ▫Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  64% 48% 41% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 5

6 Significant Findings (cont’d) “If my library cancelled the current issues of a print version of a journal but continued to make them available electronically, that would be fine with me.” ▫Humanities – 48% ▫Social Sciences – 62% ▫Sciences – 68% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 6

7 Significant Findings (cont’d) “ will always be crucial for... to maintain hard-copy collections of journals,” by discipline.” ▫My Library  Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  56% 41% 34% ▫Some Library  Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  71% 56% 55% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 7

8 Significant Findings (cont’d) Electronic research resources are invaluable research tools ▫ 2000 – 2003 – 2006  73% 78% 84% I will become increasingly dependent on electronic research resources in the future ▫ 2000 – 2003 – 2006  63% 70% 77% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 8

9 Significant Findings (cont’d) Electronic research resources are invaluable research tools ▫Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  78% 87% 86% I will become increasingly dependent on electronic research resources in the future ▫Humanities – Social Sciences – Sciences  64% 78% 81% 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 9

10 Ithaka Report Recommendations “By understanding the needs and research habits of scholars in different disciplines, libraries can identify products and services which would be appreciated by and of use to these scholars.” “... different disciplines have dramatically different needs, interests, and priorities. ▫An understanding of these differences must guide campus information strategy; a “one size fits all” solution will not, in fact, fit all.” 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 10

11 Recommendations (cont’d) “Serving the information needs of cutting-edge scientists for tools and infrastructure requires a coherent strategic approach, aligning the expertise of academic administrators, technologists, and others on campus.” “In the case of the library, both the library leadership as well as individual librarians should be reaching out to faculty members, formally and informally, to understand the nature of their teaching and research projects and how their needs are being met or could be met better.” 10/2/2008Library-IT Task Force Background 11

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