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Fighting Animal Cruelty By Kara Vanessa Pegrum. What is A n i m a l Cruelty ? ? Animal Cruelty: “The crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death.

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Presentation on theme: "Fighting Animal Cruelty By Kara Vanessa Pegrum. What is A n i m a l Cruelty ? ? Animal Cruelty: “The crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fighting Animal Cruelty By Kara Vanessa Pegrum

2 What is A n i m a l Cruelty ? ? Animal Cruelty: “The crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal…beyond discipline.” Sexual Abuse Intentional Cruelty Neglect Sexual Abuse Neglect Intentional Cruelty Sexual Abuse Neglect

3 Animal Cruelty

4 Starvation Dehydration Inadequate light or ventilation Failure to seek veterinary care Inadequate shelter Dog Fighting Illegal slaughterhouses and puppy mills

5 How are we connected to Animal Cruelty ?

6 Much neglect and misconduct occurring is due to lack of knowledge. We buy and sell products without thinking about the processes involved in the manufacturing. Many goods have been tested on animals without our realization. Illegal puppy mills are run for consumer pleasure. We commonly think about what we want to fulfill our lifestyles rather than thinking about what is best for our animals. We constantly turn a blind eye to the real issues at hand. We need to realize the damage being caused. We need to learn and understand the issues of animal cruelty to assist in preventing it one step at a time.

7 Over 70 million animals each year are tortured and killed in US laboratories. Each year, over 10 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption. Greyhounds are often killed or sent for experimentation after completing their racing years. Annually within Australia and New Zealand, over 6 million animals are used for research and teaching. Many of these animals suffer from pain or stress during the procedures. DID YOU KNOW ?

8 H elp Animal Cruelty

9 Be more conscious of what is going on around us. Recognize and understand animal cruelty. Report animal cruelty. Call or write to your local law enforcement department. Have knowledge on the laws on animal cruelty within your state. Fight for anti-cruelty laws to be passed. Set an example for others in caring for animals. Teach children to care and respect animals. Choose not to buy cosmetics that have been animal tested. Support local shelters and rescue organizations. We Can…

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