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Lord of all Creation. Beauty of nature Life on Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of all Creation. Beauty of nature Life on Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of all Creation

2 Beauty of nature

3 Life on Earth

4 Physical universe






10 100,000 light years, 100,000 million stars Sun







17 Creation shows us a glimpse of how big and powerful God is ‘for since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature, having been clearly seen….’ Rom 1:20 But not enough to show us more than a glimpse. So far above us ‘my thoughts are not your thoughts.’ Isa 55:8 Needs God to reveal himself to us – prophets (of many religions!) but ultimately and uniquely in Jesus Shows us what God is like ‘if you have seen me you have seen the Father’ Jn 14:9 Nature of God?

18 Conclusions! However big our concept of God is, its not big enough! No matter how much we learn of God’s creation, we can only know God through his revealing himself to us in Jesus

19 Conclusions! However big our concept of God is, its not big enough! No matter how much we learn of God’s creation, we can only know God through his revealing himself to us in Jesus Do we want to know this God?

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