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NeptuneNeptune By Isobel Alexander and Danielle Harris.

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Presentation on theme: "NeptuneNeptune By Isobel Alexander and Danielle Harris."— Presentation transcript:

1 NeptuneNeptune By Isobel Alexander and Danielle Harris

2 How far is Neptune from the Sun? N eptun e is 30 times farther away from the sun than earth. It is 2,795 billion miles (4,498 billion km) from the Sun

3 Neptune's weather Neptune is one of the coldest places in the solar system The coldest it gets is -218°c Its average temperature is 200°c Neptune's south pole is 10°c warmer than the rest of the planet Neptune has the most powerful hurricanes in the whole solar system

4 Who discovered Neptune? Neptune was discovered in 1846. we have know about Neptune for 162 years Neptune was discovered by mathematical predictions.

5 How big is Neptune?. is the fourth largest planet in the solar system. 57 Earths could fit inside Neptune Neptune is 30,779 miles in width and 34,503 miles in length

6 Neptune's orbit It takes 164 years for Neptune to orbit around the sun Neptune orbits at a speed of 5.4 km per second Neptune hasn’t completed a single orbit since we found out about it It takes 16 hours to orbit around its own axes

7 Gravity and moons The surface gravity of Neptune is 1.14 times the gravity on Earth Neptune has a current number of 13 moons today


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