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Basic CPR skills By: Sonia Sanchez. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men & women.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic CPR skills By: Sonia Sanchez. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men & women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic CPR skills By: Sonia Sanchez


3 Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men & women

4 Chances of survival increased with quality CPR Compressions Chest recoil & avoid hyperventilation

5 Compression technique, Head-Tilt-Chin with mouth-to-mouth

6 Types of mouth barriers

7 Compression Ventilation Ratios 1-Rescuer ratio 30:2 2-Rescuer ratio 15:2

8 Child survival 50% higher with bystander CPR than EMS Look, listen, and feel Bring compression depth down

9 Chest compression techniques in infants 1. Place 2 fingers on breast bone. 2. Press 1/3-1/2 the depth of the chest. 3. Watch for recoil.

10 Foreign bodies may cause mild to severe airway obstructions Mild Airway Obstruction: 1.Good air exchange 2.Responsive & can cough 3.May wheeze Severe Airway Obstruction: 1.Poor air exchange 2.Weak cough 3.Respiratory difficulty 4.Turning blue

11 Early recognition is key Stand/kneel behind victim. Make fist w/ 1 hand. Place thumb side against abdomen Grasp fist w/ other hand & give quick thrust.

12 Relieving choking in an infant under age 1 Hold infant prone, head lower than chest. Deliver 5 back slaps forcefully. Turn & give 5 chest slaps (1sec) & repeat.

13 Sequence of actions after relief Feel air movement & chest rise w/ breaths. See & remove foreign body from pharynx. Encourage victim to seek medical attention.

14 Conclusion Remember that quality CPR can improve a victim’s chances of survival. Know how to recognize the signs of choking and how to relieve.

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