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Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket Ryan Eder David Grothe Jason Kamuda Thomas Minor.

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Presentation on theme: "Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket Ryan Eder David Grothe Jason Kamuda Thomas Minor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lock, Stock, and Three Smoking Coils: The Electric Musket Ryan Eder David Grothe Jason Kamuda Thomas Minor

2 Introduction Multiple stage electromagnetic gun fired by pulsing electric current through excitation coils wrapped around a barrel. Sensors before each stage detect position and therefore velocity to determine the firing of subsequent coil pulses. Ferromagnetic projectile exits muzzle of barrel at velocity.

3 Competitors Information Unlimited has coil gun pistol. Available on for $110. Further investigation yields no patents or patents pending for design plans or complete design. No infringement potential with this company.

4 Patents Raytheon Company was recently issued a patent for substantially the same function as our design. “Magnetic field projection for the projectile of an electromagnetic coil gun.” Excitation cores arranged around a barrel are pulsed with electric current. The resulting magnetic field accelerates a projectile out of the muzzle of the barrel. Applied: January 2004. Issued: September 2006.

5 Patents contd. Raytheon’s patent drawings indicate position sensors and currents through coils. Our design performs substantially the same function in substantially the same way.

6 Action Required If we wanted to manufacture and sell… Need to get license from Raytheon ($$), Need to buy the patent from Raytheon ($$$), Make significant changes to our design ($), Or not and give up on selling design.

7 Summary While no coil gun products on the market for consumers exists with a patent, there is a patent from Raytheon that matches our design significantly. We cannot begin production without some kind of action beforehand.

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