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Seminar Feb 2-4 th Happy Mardi - Gras SPRING 2016 per sapientiam felicitas.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar Feb 2-4 th Happy Mardi - Gras SPRING 2016 per sapientiam felicitas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar Feb 2-4 th Happy Mardi - Gras SPRING 2016 per sapientiam felicitas

2 Good News  The Dell computers in the lab at Judice Rickels have all been updated with Office 2013 (Word 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Excel 2013, etc.). You should find them easier to use.

3 Seminar Essay Questions Posted  The essay questions for Chaim Potok’s book, The Promise have been posted to the website under the seminar link.  Please remember to turn your essay in with the cover sheet completely filled out and the essay question you are answering circled.

4 LCHC Registration Closed – We’re Full!  LCHC Registration is Closed – the Bus is full.  Leave Friday, February 26 at 1:00 on charter bus – return Saturday, February 27 th in the evening. Everything is paid for by Honors.  Please remember this is a firm commitment. We are writing the check for registration this week.  Dr. F can write excuse letters if you need them for a Friday class.  *** If you are coming and have a talent or wish to present research, please let Dr. Frederick know as soon as possible. E-mail is fine:

5 Soirée d’Excellence  Honors is trying to raise funding to finish the third floor of our building by holding a dinner with a cash bar, entertainment, a student made video, and a silent auction on Friday, March 18 th 6:00PM at the Petroleum Club. Tickets $50/person.  If you can get us items for the silent auction, please help. Certificates to local restaurants, items from stores, items you have made are most welcome.  If you can sell tickets please contact Dr. Frederick.  Please help us help you...

6 Any other Announcements?  Clubs, Organizations, Honors Societies?

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