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Your brain is made out of tissue and cells called neurons. Your brain weighs 1 and a half kg and it is as big as a cauliflower. Your brain is 80% water.

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2 Your brain is made out of tissue and cells called neurons. Your brain weighs 1 and a half kg and it is as big as a cauliflower. Your brain is 80% water. Your brain smells like mouldy cheese.

3 Neurons are brain cells. when you learn something your neurons connect together, and when you get better at something your neurons get coated in myelin.

4 The Neo cortex is the biggest part of your brain. your memory goes to the Neo cortex. Your left side of your neo cortex is the organised side of your neo cortex and the right side of your neo cortex is the artistic side.

5 Your limbic brain is your medium sized brain. It controls your feeling and emotions. If you are feeling sad or don’t believe in yourself, you wont learn very well.

6 Your Reptilian brain tells you when you need Food Water Sleep Blood Exercises

7  Thank you for watching

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