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Parties and what they do. The Big Idea Political Parties, essential to democratic government, shape the way government works and perform important functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Parties and what they do. The Big Idea Political Parties, essential to democratic government, shape the way government works and perform important functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parties and what they do

2 The Big Idea Political Parties, essential to democratic government, shape the way government works and perform important functions.

3 Nominate Candidates Inform & Inspire voters Act as Watchdogs Help Govern Ensure Candidate Quality

4 Political Parties “A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office” US Has 2 Major Parties → Two Party system

5 Essential to democratic gov. Lead to policy developments Different choices of who & how to govern One way for the people to express their opinions Theoretically they are supposed to facilitate compromise

6 Democrats What do you already know?

7 Republicans What do you already know?

8 Minor Parties There are more than just 2 parties MANY MANY Minor parties

9 Major Functions of Political Parties

10 Nominating Candidates Parties select candidates and present them to the public there needs to be a procedure for this political parties are the best option They choose, present and groom the best candidate to fill the needs of the party platform So this process falls almost exclusively to the parties

11 Informating & Inspiring Supporters Other groups can do this BUT the parties do it the most they are also better equiped and organized Shapes the positions of the candidates sponser adds gets out and informs the voters knock on doors hand out sample ballots or surveys

12 Ensure Candidate Quality The parties make sure that the candidates chosen to represent the party and its members behave themselves make sure the candidates are: qualified good characters Takes responsibility for the actions of the public officials representing the party

13 Help Govern Most candidates are chosen due to their party relationship and their ability to follow the party line Partisanship party line the strong support of the party and its policies Party Platform a list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public and the purpose of having a party's candidate voted into office

14 Act as a Watchdog This is especially true for the party that is not in power party in power is the one that has control of the executive branch governor on the state level president on the national level criticize and try to win over the public against the party that is currently in power make sure they don’t maintain power

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