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Validation db status and plans (what happened since the Collaboration meeting) Hans Wenzel 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Validation db status and plans (what happened since the Collaboration meeting) Hans Wenzel 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Validation db status and plans (what happened since the Collaboration meeting) Hans Wenzel 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting November 2, 2015

2 Behind the scene 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting2 –Restructuring the beans (java classes) used by the web application. –More efficient and faster SQL statements used in JAVA API, check of input parameters. –Cleaning up, correcting database entries –Lots of cosmetic changes  things we can see

3 How to access Geant4 Web Application: 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting3

4 Statistics 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting4 Currently: 415 experimental data sets from 22 experiment. 6 test setups with 606 histograms stored as raw data. 9740 public test results (19 test setups) stored as images with meta data.

5 Exp. data Browser (now with search functionality) 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting5 Reference Title Search!

6 Exp. data Browser (now with search functionality) 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting6

7 Exp. data Browser (now with search functionality) 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting7

8 Exp. data Browser (Display selected Experiment) 10/1/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting8 Once Experiment is selected, one is presented with a plot based on default selection  default selection highlighted in menus, refine selection from there Defaults preselected

9 Exp. data Browser (buttons) 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting9

10 Test Result Browser (Now with defaults) This page allows to select various Geant 4 simulations and compares the results to available experimental data. Shown on the left is neutron induced deuteron production. Different Models: BIC(blue), Bertini (red) INCL++(magenta) Experimental Data (green) Search not yet

11 To do (List from collaboration meeting) 10/1/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant 4 Collaboration meeting11 Implement edit/delete for raw simulated data. Implement defaults for the test result browser. (in progress) Search functions (in progress  example where we decided not to port from previous application). Add statistical tests (  2,KS) Finalize and consolidate the tests we developed. (cross sections, quasi elastic scattering, neutron induce particle production…)  make them public (in progress) Clean up and extend data base (in progress) Add more references, experimental data and tests in raw format. Collaboration meeting provided lot of info what datasets are being used for validation, include more EM data (Daren), data from grid testing (Alberto..) and keep engaged with collaborators and experimental community Different authentication? Considering CERN single sign on since all geant 4 members have a cern account. Make it easy for collaborators to contribute (e.g. installation tar ball, instructions)

12 Lately 10/1/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant 4 Collaboration meeting12 More people are getting involved  weekly vydio meeting with CERN,SLAC,FNAL participating (first meeting last Wednesday) minutes: Main interest: experimental data base: More data. Possibility to store multi dimensional data (e.g. for covariance matrix) C++ API corresponding to JAVA API. Evolve schema and API. Contribute geant 4 test data e.g. simplified calorimeter. … see minutes above. Security and Authentication: CERN single sign on, use of https….

13 expid INTEGER Experimental data: – Evolution of Database Schema 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting13 expid INTEGER Data Curve(s): Default curves to display General info about experiment References, article html etc. Should be expid Decouple experiment from test (could be used by multiple tests or none), thing how to link best References should be extended e.g. year of publication, list of authors, dictionary of journals, title…

14 9/28/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant 4 Collaboration meeting14 BACKUP slides

15 Edit Test – Masked/Dictionary Entries 158/04/2015 Rasheed Auguste, Geant4 SIST Final Presentation

16 9/28/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant 4 Collaboration meeting16

17 Display Test (selection) 9/28/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant4 Collaboration meeting17

18 Display Test (display) 9/28/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant4 Collaboration meeting18

19 Edit/Delete Test 9/28/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant4 Collaboration meeting19

20 How to edit/delete an Entry? 11/2/2015Hans Wenzel, 10th Physics Lists and Validation Tools working group meeting20

21 How to get data into the repository? What do you want? 10/1/2015Hans Wenzel, Geant 4 Collaboration meeting21 Once: Experimental data, case by case  construct sql statement to add to database. Repeatedly (automation): Static Plots: (via webapplication) Authenticate as G4Expert provide xml file (template) and directory where image files can be found edit  this can be easily extended to histograms e.g. in csv, xml format. Philip Canal pointed out Java script available to access root files  no c++ root libraries necessary Histograms: (cint script) (different template for different test) parse root file with histograms and constructs sql statement. (access to database from cern, slac)

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