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Objective Today I will be able to: Apply hybridization to determining the orbital shape of a molecule Evaluation/ Assessment Informal assessment – Listening.

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2 Objective Today I will be able to: Apply hybridization to determining the orbital shape of a molecule Evaluation/ Assessment Informal assessment – Listening to group interactions as they complete the Hybridization and Organic Chemistry Practice Formal Assessment – Analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and the hybridization and organic chemistry practice. Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

3 Lesson Sequence  Warm – Up  Elaborate: Hybridization practice  Formal and Informal Assessment  Explain: Organic Chemistry Naming Notes  Elaborate: Organic Chemistry Naming Practice  Evaluate: Exit Ticket Formal assessment

4 Warm - Up  For the compound BF 3  Draw the Lewis Structure  Write the electron configuration for the central atom  Show the original orbital diagram  Draw the promoted electron orbital diagram  Draw the hybrid orbital diagram  What is point of hybridization?

5 Objective  Today I will be able to:  Apply hybridization to determining the orbital shape  Apply naming rules to naming organic compounds

6 Homework  STEM Fair Presentations – January 23  Finish Organic Compounds Naming Practice

7 Agenda  Warm – Up  Hybridization Practice  Review Practice  Organic Chemistry Notes  Organic Chemistry Naming Practice  Exit Ticket



10 Hydrocarbons  Simplest organic compounds  Bonds involving Carbon and Hydrogen  Saturated Hydrocarbon – all single bonds  Unsaturated Hydrocarbon – multiple bonds (single, double triple)

11 Alkanes  Saturated hydrocarbons  Formula: C n H 2n+2  Condensed Structural vs. Expanded Structural Formulas

12 Prefixes for organic groups

13 Rules for Naming Hydrocarbons 1. Find the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms. Use the proper prefix to name the chain.  If it is an alkane add the ending –ane  If it is an alkene add the ending –ene  If it is an alkyne add the ending -yne 2. Number the carbon atoms in the chain so that the lowest possible numbers will be given for the attached hydrocarbon groups 3. Name the groups attached to the chain by adding a prefix –yl to the stem name. Locate them by identifying the number assigned to the carbon it is located on 4. If there is more than one group arrange them in alphabetical order


15 Alkenes  Unsaturated compounds with at least one double bond  C n H 2n  Use the suffix –ene in naming  Position of the double bond is indicated using the lower number of the two carbon atoms that the double bond joins

16 Alkynes  Unsaturated compound with at least 1 triple bond  C n H 2n-2  Use the suffix –yne in naming  Number the triple bond using the lowest number carbon

17 Halogen Substitution  A hydrogen can be replaced with  Chloro -Cl  Bromo-Br  Iodo-I  Name using the lowest number carbon


19 Exit Ticket  What is the structure of:  5-butyl-3,7-diethyl-2,8-dimethyl-4,6-dipropyl-1,8-nonadiene


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