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Healthy Lifestyles Desirae Naessens Ashley Snider Kim Fulmerhouser Ann Purleski Jana Snider.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Lifestyles Desirae Naessens Ashley Snider Kim Fulmerhouser Ann Purleski Jana Snider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Lifestyles Desirae Naessens Ashley Snider Kim Fulmerhouser Ann Purleski Jana Snider

2 Need for Service An at risk and under privileged population that is vulnerable to acquiring poor health habits that may lead to major health issues in the future.

3 Mission We are a not-for profit business that provides comprehensive care to at risk adolescents. We strive to provide multiple opportunities for health promotion and education across physiological, spiritual and emotional care.

4 Vision Be the leader in (low income) children’s health promotion and health education.

5 Goal #1 Goal: Ensure every student below the age of 16 enrolled in public school in the greater Grand Rapids area has the opportunity to be seen by Healthy Lifestyles every year. Obtain authorization and create a contract to make a yearly visit in every public school. Provide referrals to students and families for affordable health care.

6 Goal #2 Goal: Using a holistic approach, we plan to offer age appropriate physiological, spiritual and emotional health education to school age children in Grand Rapids. Provide school age children with appropriate educational materials on diet, physical activity, and self-awareness. Have toothbrushes, floss and dental education available to students receiving our services. When working with high schools students we will provide safe sex education, substance abuse and bullying education. Offer a safe haven for bullying.

7 Goal #3 Goal- Educate public school faculty in Grand Rapids on ways to offer assistance on all of the above goals Hold an in-service with faculty and provide education material on how they can get involved with the overall health of their students. Make outside recourses available and easily accessible to faculty/staff.

8 Organizational Chart Chairman Vice Chairman Accounts Human Resourses Program Services Project coordinator RNsVolunteer

9 Job Descriptions Chairman Vice Chairman Accountant Project Coordinator of Health RN Volunteers

10 Marking Plan Advertising in journals, newspapers, and radio Contacting schools in the Greater Grand Rapids Area

11 Budget Operating RevenueAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary Donations 4,200.00 3,900.00 5,050.00 4,800.00 2,500.00 2,590.00 Grants 15,000.00 Total Operating Revenue 19,200.00 18,900.00 20,050.00 19,800.00 17,500.00 17,590.00 Operating Expenses Supplies 2,500.00 Administrator Salaries 14,650.00 Vehicle (payments) 400.00 Vehicle mantnaince/gas 173.00 205.00 190.00 225.00 140.00 167.00 Overhead 1,000.00 Total 18,723.00 18,755.00 18,740.00 18,775.00 18,690.00 18,717.00 Net Income 477.00 145.00 1,310.00 1,025.00 (1,190.00) (1,127.00)

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