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1 EIONET Reporting and EEA Priority Dataflows Keimpe Wieringa EEA European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change 31 October 2006 7 th Joint TFEIP & EIONET.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EIONET Reporting and EEA Priority Dataflows Keimpe Wieringa EEA European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change 31 October 2006 7 th Joint TFEIP & EIONET."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EIONET Reporting and EEA Priority Dataflows Keimpe Wieringa EEA European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change 31 October 2006 7 th Joint TFEIP & EIONET meeting Thessaloniki (Greece)

2 2 EIONET Priority Data Flows 2005-06: Overall Performance 12 priority data flows, a.o. soil, water, emissions and air quality Criteria: completeness and timeliness

3 3

4 4 Priority Dataflows Air and Climate Objectives: 1.Improving coverage and completeness 2.Improving quality 3.Assessments 4.Timeliness (will not be addressed) 5.Compliance (will not be addressed)

5 5 What are the EIONET PDFs? 1.GHG emission inventories 2.LRTAP and NEC emission inventory 3.Air Quality monitoring (will not be addressed) General remark: difference in EIONET data flows between EU-25 (also compliance) and non-EU25 EEA countries

6 6 Completeness GHG emissions Submissions countries: excellent Many resubmissions due to UNFCCC review process Countries missing 2004: Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria (UNFCCC), Iceland (UNFCCC), Liechtenstein (UNFCCC), Croatia, Turkey (UNFCCC) Countries missing years/CRF tables: Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia

7 7 Completeness LRTAP and NEC emissions Submissions countries: good All countries deliver in NFR format (level 2) Countries missing: Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Liechtenstein, Turkey Countries missing gases: Portugal, Malta, Croatia. Iceland, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia note 1) EIONET PDF is subset of LRTAP reporting obligations note 2) NEC data flow is (more or less) subset of LRTAP

8 8 QA/QC Priority Dataflows Legal basis QA/QC programme in place Goal: improving EIONET PDFs provides information for assessment, but also supports countries compliance with EU and Convention obligations Various checks: a.o. timeliness, completeness, consistency Application formats: built-in checks for improving quality, but also speeds up annual cycle Collaboration with countries: excellent feedback

9 9 Perspective 2007-08 Go4: EC, JRC, Eurostat and EEA Towards a Shared European Information System (SEIS) EEA: 2 data centres on air and climate change Aim: improving data reporting, quality control, storage and dissemination Policy challenge: further streamlining and harmonising emission reporting (GHG, NEC, LRTAP, EPER, E-PRTR)

10 10 Current progress EEA and ETC/ACC 1 st Trial review meeting CLRTAP/NEC emissions data (Copenhagen) EU GHG emission inventory to UNFCCC EU LRTAP emission inventory 1990-2004 EEA report on Air pollution at street level in European cities (2005) EEA report on ancillary benefits of climate policies for air pollution (2006) EEA report on GHG trends and projections

11 11 Prospects EEA and ETC/ACC New ETC/ACC contract (2007-10) Belgrade report (2007) Report Air pollution in Europe (2007) Thank you for your collaboration and feedback!

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