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1 Lauren P. Burner CBSE 7201T Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Fall 2012 Homework Support for Twice- Exceptional Students.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Lauren P. Burner CBSE 7201T Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Fall 2012 Homework Support for Twice- Exceptional Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Lauren P. Burner CBSE 7201T Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Fall 2012 Homework Support for Twice- Exceptional Students

2 Statement of the Problem Incorporating a time management graphic organizer as a cover page on weekly homework packets will motivate six elementary students for four weeks at a twice exceptional, private, K-8 school in Battery Park, New York to complete homework accurately and submit homework on time. *Assignment pages with BLANK weekly calendars are currently used

3 Use of a time management graphic organizer as a cover page on weekly homework packets, implemented once per week over a four week period will increase homework accuracy and timeliness. Research Hypothesis

4 Gifted & Talented Strengths-based, hands-on and individualized academics

5 Learning Disabled Structured routines, repetition, sensory simplicity and graphic organizers

6 Executive Functioning Targeting lagging cognitive skills with goal setting and metacognitive processes

7 References Amend, E., Schuler, P., Beaver-Gavin, K., & Beights, R. D. (2009). A unique challenge: Sorting out the difference between giftedness and asperger's disorder. Gifted child today, 32 (4), 57-63. Anonymous. (2006). Strategies that work for twice-exceptional students. Gifted child today, 29 (1), 2006. Baum, S., Cooper, C., & Neu, T. (2001). Dual differentiation: An approach for meeting the curricular needs of gifted students with learning disabilities. Psychology in the schools, 38 (5), 477-490. Foley Nicpon, M., Allmon, A., Sieck, B., & Stinson, R. D. (2011). Empirical investigation of twice-exceptionality: Where have we been and where are we going?. Gifted Child Quarterly, 55 (1), 3-17. Retrieved from e77bc5ff288e@sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== e77bc5ff288e@sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== Gilger, J. W., & Hynd, G. W. (2008). Neurodevelopmental variation as a framework for thinking about the twice exceptional. Roeper review, 30 (4), 214-228. Retrieved from b1b12889ed74@sessionmgr112&vid=1&hid=124&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== b1b12889ed74@sessionmgr112&vid=1&hid=124&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== Jeweler, S., Barnes-Robinson, L., Shevitz, B., & Weinfeld, R. D. (2008). Bordering on excellence. Gifted child today, 31 (2), 40-46. Lewandowski, L. (2009). Gifted students with learning disabilities: Who are they?. Journal of learning disabilities, 39 (6), 515 -27. Retrieved from Moon, S., Swift, M., & Shallenberger, A. (2002). Perceptions of a self-contained class for fourth and fifth-grade students with high to extreme levels of intellectual giftedness. Gifted child quarterly, 46, 64. Robinson, W., & Campbell, J. (2010). Effective teaching in gifted education: Using a whole school approach. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from Sodian, B., & Hülsken, C. (2005). The developmental relation of theory of mind and executive functions: A study of advanced theory of mind abilities in children with adhd. In W. Schneider, R. Schumann-Hengsteler & B. Sodian (Eds.), Young children's cognitive development: Interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind (pp. 175-187). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Worrell, F., Gabelko, N., Roth, D., & Samuels, L. (1999). Parents' reports on homework amount and problems in academically talented elementary students. Gifted child quarterly, 43, 86. Yssel, N., Prater, M., & Smith, D. (2010). How can such a smart kid not get it? finding the right fit for twice-exceptional students in our schools. Gifted child today, 33 (1), 55-61.

8 References (cont.) Sodian, B., & Hülsken, C. (2005). The developmental relation of theory of mind and executive functions: A study of advanced theory of mind abilities in children with adhd. In W. Schneider, R. Schumann-Hengsteler & B. Sodian (Eds.), Young children's cognitive development: Interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind (pp. 175-187). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Worrell, F., Gabelko, N., Roth, D., & Samuels, L. (1999). Parents' reports on homework amount and problems in academically talented elementary students. Gifted child quarterly, 43, 86. Yssel, N., Prater, M., & Smith, D. (2010). How can such a smart kid not get it? finding the right fit for twice-exceptional students in our schools. Gifted child today, 33 (1), 55-61.

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