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Geneva, Switzerland, 14 November 2014 European Cloud Partnership Dan-Mihai CHIRILĂ Project/Policy Officer – European Commission

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Presentation on theme: "Geneva, Switzerland, 14 November 2014 European Cloud Partnership Dan-Mihai CHIRILĂ Project/Policy Officer – European Commission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geneva, Switzerland, 14 November 2014 European Cloud Partnership Dan-Mihai CHIRILĂ Project/Policy Officer – European Commission ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing Standards – Today and the Future” (Geneva, Switzerland 14 November 2014)

2 European Cloud Partnership Part of the European Cloud Strategy Steering Board first met 19 November 2012 Participation from 7 Member States, Norway, 10 Large Companies, 1 SME “provide advice to the Commission on strategic options to turn cloud computing into an engine for sustainable economic growth, innovation and cost-efficient public and private services”

3 A set of ideas to help public & private organisations in Europe buy and sell cloud services in a safe and trusted environment.

4 Trusted Cloud Europe Trusted Cloud Europe framework

5 Expectations Expected results: And ultimately: functioning Single Market: Expected results: And ultimately: functioning Single Market: Alignment of legislation Pilots Alignment of policies Common understanding of use cases Common understanding of requirements Common application of best practices More specifically: Alignment of procurement rules and practices Cloud-active procurement policies - ‘cloud first’ Reduction of data location restrictions Common approaches to address jurisdiction and enforcement concerns Setting up public sector pilot cloud services at EU level: Public sector document management and communication Scientific research and data analysis

6 Expectations Expected results: And ultimately: functioning Single Market: Expected results: And ultimately: functioning Single Market: Alignment of legislation Pilots Alignment of policies Common understanding of use cases Common understanding of requirements Common application of best practices More specifically: Alignment of procurement rules and practices Cloud-active procurement policies - ‘cloud first’ Reduction of data location restrictions Common approaches to address jurisdiction and enforcement concerns Setting up public sector pilot cloud services at EU level: Public sector document management and communication Scientific research and data analysis

7 Trusted Cloud Europe: What is it?

8 Headline Conclusions indicate support for: Rapid political agreement on harmonised EU data protection regulations Clearer rules to resolve contractual / services disputes A move from formal to functional requirements as regards data location Greater consistency and clarity in procurement processes between Member States Cloud-Active procurement policies

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