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Basic Need An item a living thing must have to survive.

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2 Basic Need An item a living thing must have to survive

3 Air A mixture of gases that we can not see or smell that surround Earth

4 Water A colorless, tasteless, odorless, liquid that is Key to life on Earth

5 Food What living things use for energy

6 Sunlight The energy from the Sun that plants need to make food

7 Survive Continue to live

8 Plant A living thing that uses the Sun’s energy to make its own food

9 Physical Characteristics Of plants help them survive in different environments

10 Plants Basic Needs (for Survival) Sunlight Water Air Soil Space

11 Plant Parts Roots Stem Leaves Flower (some plants)

12 Roots Secure plant in place Absorb water from the soil Absorb nutrients from the soil

13 Stem Carries water to other parts of the plant

14 Leaves Absorbs sunlight and uses it for energy to make food

15 Animal A living thing that eats other living things

16 Animals Basic Needs (for survival) Food Water Air Shelter Space

17 Physical Characteristics of Animals External features that can be seen

18 Animals External Characteristics Animals have external characteristics that help meet their basic needs such as: a fish’s fins-move and balance in water a bird’s wings-fly an elephant’s trunk-drink and eat a lion’s teeth-eat a tiger’s fur – camoflauge ducks webbed feet- swim *other animals and their external characteristics have been discussed in class

19 Behavior An action that is seen

20 Animal Behaviors Animals have behaviors that help them meet their basic needs, such as hunting, swimming, diving, or flying.

21 Above Ground and Underground Animals Know what animals live above ground frogs, lions, tigers, etc… Know what animals live underground- rabbit, groundhog, ants, etc… Know what animals live in water- fish, turtles, frogs, etc…

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