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Egyptians vote in historic presidential election.

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1 Egyptians vote in historic presidential election

2 Egypt's historic presidential election has begun offically replacing longtime leader Hosni Mubarak who was ousted more than a year ago in the February 2011 uprising. It is considered the nation's first free and fair presidential election in modern history. The country's military rulers have pledged to hand over executive power to a civilian government by the end of next month.

3 In Other News The monkey population of Delhi has grown so large and aggressive that overwhelmed city officials have petitioned India’s Supreme Court to relieve them of the task of monkey control. They have trapped 13,013 monkeys since 2007. The reason for the problem: People feed them. Monkeys are the living representatives of the cherished Hindu god Hanuman, and Hindu tradition calls for feeding monkeys on Tuesdays and Saturdays. One in three American Indian women have been raped or have experienced an attempted rape, according to the Justice Department. Their rate of sexual assault is more than twice the national average. The issue of sexual assaults on American Indian women has become one of the major sources of discord in the current debate between the White House and the House of Representatives over the latest reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act of 1994. In the Navajo Nation, which encompasses parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, 329 rape cases were reported in 2007 among a population of about 180,000. Five years later, there have been only 17 arrests. Women’s advocates on the reservation say only about 10 percent of sexual assaults are reported.rape Authorities say a father's prank at a southern New Jersey laundry facility nearly turned tragic when his toddler son briefly got stuck inside an active washing machine. The May 11 incident at the Camden business was captured on a surveillance video, which drew millions of hits after being posted on YouTube and other Internet sites. It shows the father putting the child in the machine — apparently as part of a "peek-a-boo" game. He then shut the door, which locked and started an automatic cycle with the child inside. The parents frantically pulled on the door for a few seconds as the child continued to spin, then ran to get help. An employee then quickly unplugged the machine, and the child — who did not appear to be hurt — was pulled to safety. A vial purportedly containing dried blood from Ronald Reagan following a 1981 assassination attempt is being offered by PFC Auctions online. The current bid is for nearly $14,500.

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