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Unit 27 Task 2 – Performance Strengths and Areas for Improvement.

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1 Unit 27 Task 2 – Performance Strengths and Areas for Improvement

2 Strength 1/4 Excellence Trait: aerobic fitness Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: Aerobic fitness is how good your body is at using oxygen to generate energy, your body uses atp and atp-pc first to generate energy first and then goes to anaerobic and then finally aerobic respiration. So aerobic fitness is measured as the amount of oxygen transported in the blood and pumped by the heart to the working muscles and as the efficiency of the muscles to use that oxygen. This means that people with a high aerobic fitness will be able to do exercise for longer and at a higher level of intensity this means in a martial arts sense of view Dan will be able to stay active for much longer than most he will be able to fire out better techniques then people doing the same amount of exercise as they will be more tired then himself, which will give him the advantage over them but it can mean being so much fitter then them and knowing it that he might not put all his effort in as he thinks he is better then them this is a physiological disadvantage knowing that they are so much fitter than the other person. This can mean that he saves himself for a more difficult fight or be weaker for a person that he needs to be better for Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

3 Strength 2/4 Excellence Trait: muscular endurance Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly exert force against resistance. This means that sports people with a good muscular endurance will be able to do a repeated exercise for longer, in martial arts bouncing on your toes and keeping your guard up are all tests of muscular endurance as you are doing this for a repeated amount time and against resistance. Another reason that Having good muscular endurance in martial arts will be a good thing for is that he will be able to modify his attack and defence strategy what I mean by that is that we are taught to dodge attacks and use our hands to parry but having good muscular endurance means that you will be able to exert force back at the opponent which will often take them off balance and so be unable to do an effective defence or offence until they get their balance back, this is a opening to go for, this means that Dan might be warned for hitting to hard in fights if he doesn’t control himeslf Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

4 Strength 3/4 Excellence Trait: power Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: Power is the amount of force generated by a group of muscles in a single direction in one movement. In martial arts you need good power because you are punching and kicking and so you need to be able to do this with some force otherwise your opponent would not be stopped by the hits you also need power to push off your legs this will determine you ability to dodge which is an important part of fighting. Another advantage is that you will be able to hit harder, even though the aim is not to knock them out if you hit someone with force they are less likely to try and attack (they don’t want to be hit again) so this means that you can control the pace of the match this can mean that you can slow it down to get your breath back or speed it up buy knowing that they don’t want to attack but if you have done that a physiological effect in your opponents mind will be revenge which can escalate quickly Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

5 Strength 4/4 Excellence Trait: linear acceleration Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: This is how fast you can go in a straight line from standing. This is important in martial arts as when you are bouncing on your toes you need to be able to “blitz” from standing with out any kind of run up (otherwise your opponent will see it) so you need to be able to have a good linear acceleration so that you can hit your opponent. On the defensive you can go backwards, this means that you can dodge a attack with more effectiveness and so your opponent will stretch out more which can leave them open to a counter and as I said earlier linear acceleration means that you can blitz with more speed which would be an ideal counter but it also means that the opponent could fake Dan into doing a brazen attack Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

6 Development Area 1/4 Excellence Trait: reaction time Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: This is the amount of time it takes for your eyes to sense something i.e. smell, hear see etc. and your brain to do an appropriate response. So someone with a good reaction time will able to see something happen and react to it very quickly, this is very important in martial arts as when someone blitzes you there is a very small amount of time for you to react so you need to have a good reaction time in order to dodge or counter. Reaction time would also be effective on the attack because if someone is able to defend your attack you need quick reaction timing to change the attack approach weather that would be changing the angle or the height of attack you need to have quick reaction timing this would mean Dan would be able to both attack and defend effectively but it could make Dan over reactive which could leave himself open to a attack Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

7 Development Area 2/4 Excellence Trait: flexibility Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: Flexibility is how flexible your joints are and so more flexible joints will have a wider range of movement. In martial arts it is vital to have flexible joints as the body goes trough “odd” movements that it would not be use to, also in points fighting the only scoring zones are above the waist and 2 points when you kick to the head so you need to be flexible to kick people above the waist and especially in the head. Flexibility is not only related to legs the whole body needs to be flexible in martial arts so for attack the term used is called “superman” which basically means get your body parallel to the floor and so you need good flexibility in your whole body to get that to be effective you also need good flexibility in your chest and back as Dan will be leaning out the way of attacks but if he doesn’t stretch properly he will injure himself which is a real disadvantage Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

8 Development Area 3/4 Excellence Trait: reverse punch Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: The reverse punch is the main hand attack in martial arts it can be used both defensively and offensively so if you are skilled at using the reverse punch you can be a very formidable fighter (on a side note most of the world champion fighters use this punch more than any other) this means that if you get skilled at this then you will have a distinct advantage over others, another reason this gives a advantage over others is that it is easy to hid what I mean by that is that you can easily disguise this attack as another which means the opponent will try and defend the “wrong” attack and so be open to a reverse punch the only problem with being good at a reverse punch is that other fighters will be aware of that and fight in a style that removes your advantage Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

9 Development Area 4/4 Excellence Trait: control of anxiety Describe / Explain / Critically Analyze: Anxiety is how nervous you get when you are about to do something, if you have bad anxiety control you will get very nervous going in to do something meaning that the chance of you making a mistake will be increased. In martial arts you will most likely be part of a team but your fights are solo fights so there is no safety netting of other team mates on the field at the time so it is vital for a good fighter to be able to control their anxiety. Another danger is that when you get to nervous you loss concentration, in any sport that is bad but since in martial arts you can and will get hit you need to have good concentration and being anxious will not help especially in Dan's case as he hates losing which could mean his anger will take over and so he will lose technique and focus Describe: Give a detailed account of something Explain: Give a detailed account to give the meaning of something with reasons. Include the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the topic of interest Critically Analyse: Give your opinion of the subject of interest – consider all of the evidence and then write about both the advantages and disadvantages

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