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Welcome to Kindergarten!. What is the kindergarten day like? Morning Arrival Homeroom Academic Segments Specials Classes Lunch Recess Afternoon Dismissal.

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1 Welcome to Kindergarten!


3 What is the kindergarten day like? Morning Arrival Homeroom Academic Segments Specials Classes Lunch Recess Afternoon Dismissal After School Program

4 Morning Arrival – Car Riders Students arrive by car or bus between 7:05 & 7:45. “Car riders” are dropped off at the front of the school. Staff are on hand to meet students in the car rider line and to see our students into the school building.

5 Morning Arrival - Buses Students are encouraged to ride the bus to school. Staff greet the buses daily and will be on hand to escort students to class the first few days of school.

6 Morning Arrival – Bus Duty Staff supervise morning bus duty. At 7:30 the classroom teacher will escort her students from the bus duty area to homeroom.

7 Homeroom Typically from 7:30 to 8:00, students do the following before the start of the academic day: Hang up backpacks Make lunch choices Complete “morning work” Say the Pledge of Allegiance

8 Academic Segments –Math. Students practice days, months, counting, and other basic kindergarten math skills.

9 Academic Segments – Math Series Kindergarten uses the Houghton Mifflin math series as the basis for our curriculum. This series addresses the Georgia standards for kindergarten math.

10 Academic Segments – Math Centers Math centers are an important and fun way for kindergarteners to learn and apply math concepts and skills. We play lots of math games and use hands-on activities to teach and practice math.

11 Academic Segments – Success Maker Math Success Maker Math is a computer program used to increase student skills. Students will log into Success Maker Math for individualized math instruction. Success Maker is also used by teachers to determine individual mastery of specific skills, as well as areas of difficulty.

12 Academic Segments – Language Arts Kindergarten teachers use the Scott Foresman reading series to drive Language Arts and Reading instruction. Activities are based on and skills stem from a story of the week and will incorporate the Georgia English and Language Arts Standards.

13 Academic Segments – Language Arts Some of the Language Arts skills taught in kindergarten are: Letters and sounds Handwriting Blending C-V-C words “Tricks” Sight words Story elements Invented spelling

14 Academic Segments – Guided Reading Reading is taught throughout the day in kindergarten and is tied into other subject areas. Formal reading instruction occurs in “guided reading groups.” In these groups teachers meet for reading instruction with a small group of children with similar reading skills.

15 Academic Segments – Reading Centers While students are meeting with their teacher in small guided reading groups, other students are typically completing “literacy centers.” In literacy centers students may work independently or with a para-pro while practicing previously taught Language Arts, Reading, and Writing skills.

16 Academic Segments – Success Maker Reading Success Maker Reading is used in the classroom and children have the opportunity to complete lessons at least weekly. Teachers can use this computer program to measure reading progress.

17 Academic Segments - Writing Writing instruction is more than just handwriting! In kindergarten, teachers will model writing and conference with individuals or small groups as they write in their journals. Narrative writing is our focus, but we also teach persuasive and informational writing.

18 Academic Segments – Science/Social Studies Our Science and Social Studies lessons incorporate thematic units with the MacMillan/McGraw Hill Science series and the Houghton Mifflin Social Studies Series. We use picture books and non-fiction to supplement our lessons, and we like to plan lots of creative activities and experiments.

19 Specials Classes - Art Kindergarten students enjoy going to art class weekly throughout the year. In Art our students are able to demonstrate their creativity as well as practice listening, fine motor skills and cooperation.

20 Specials Classes - Music Kindergarten students especially love their Music classes. They are introduced to basic musical vocabulary and learn many songs and games.

21 Specials Classes – P.E. Our kindergarten students have the opportunity to go to P.E. class several times a week. In P.E. they learn teamwork and good sportsmanship; they develop gross motor skills, agility, and coordination; and they play so many fun games!

22 Lunch For lunch, students may bring lunch from home or choose from a daily menu of a hot meal or salad bar. Vegetarian options are available, too. Milk and juice are available to children bringing a lunch box from home. There is a small charge for these drinks. Kindergarteners purchasing lunch will go through the “lunch line.” At that time they will select a drink, a meal, use a tray and purchase their meal.

23 Lunch Students entering a CCSD school are assigned a student number. This number is usually referred to as their “lunch number” because kindergarteners will need to learn it for use at lunch time. Students buying lunch may prepay for meals or bring money as needed.

24 Lunch – School Store and Ice Cream Students may bring money from home to purchase ice cream. Profits from ice cream sales are used to purchase items for our classrooms. The PTA runs the school store. There are fun school supplies and Bascomb spirit items for sale. Bobcats who have brought money in for either ice cream or the store will have a time during lunch when they can shop.

25 Recess Most kindergarteners favorite “subject” is recess! Recess is held daily, weather permitting. Classroom teachers monitor the playground during this time

26 Recess At the beginning of the year, kindergarten teachers talk to their students about playground safety and rules.

27 Afternoon Dismissal – Bus Riders Students are dismissed from their classrooms as bus riders, car riders, or as part of the After School Program (ASP). Bus riders line up in the kindergarten hallway and walk together, with teachers, to the gym for bus duty. There they wait for their bus to arrive while being supervised by Bascomb faculty. Teachers escort children to their buses.

28 Afternoon Dismissal – Car Riders Several faculty and staff are on hand to supervise our students.

29 Afternoon Dismissal – Car Riders Children walk to their cars under the supervision of adults.

30 Before School and After School Programs for students needing to arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. and/or needing to stay after school beyond regular dismissal times.

31 After School Programs Children attending ASP are grouped by their grade level for activities. They start with a snack provided by ASP and enjoy a variety of activities throughout the week. ASP participation may be scheduled daily or weekly. Information and registration for these programs will be available during the Meet and Greet in July.

32 Educational Support Media Center Computer Lab Field Trips EIP and ExP After School Classes

33 Media Center Kindergarten students enjoy weekly visits to the Media Center. They have regular lessons planned and led by our media specialist. Students are also able to check out books.

34 Computer Lab Students learn how to access appropriate educational internet sites and software programs. The classroom teacher takes her students to the lab and plans and facilitates lessons.

35 Field Trips In kindergarten we have in-house and off-site field trips. During an in-house field trip, a program will come to us. For an off- site field trip, we would leave the campus. Permission slips are required for either type of field trip. If chaperones are needed, the classroom teachers will let you know. Most field trips do have a cost to cover the program and, if off-site, the travel expenses.

36 After School Classes All students may elect to participate in after school classes such as chess, soccer, and art. These classes are taught by private individuals or companies so there is a charge to participate. Information about available classes will be sent home to you via flyers throughout the school year.

37 GKIDS/Report Card Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills Used throughout the state Selected standards are assessed every nine weeks and all will be assessed by the end of the year Report Card

38 Special Events in Kindergarten Seasonal and Holiday Centers Field Day End of Year Parties

39 Teacher-Parent Communications Meet and Greet Curriculum Night Fall Conferences Weekly Newsletters Teacher Web Sites Emails Daily Communication Folder folders PTA Newsletters

40 Parental Involvement Parent Reader Center Helper Field Trip Chaperones Mentoring

41 Spirit Nights Monthly Spirit Nights will be announced throughout the year. Families are encouraged to support these businesses, especially on Spirit Nights when faculty and staff will be on hand to greet you and maybe even serve you!

42 What can I work on over the summer? Identifying upper and lowercase letters Identifying numbers 0 to 20 Correct pencil grip Cutting Letter sounds Read to your child every day Tying shoes!

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