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Narrative Preaching TMM2531 Reflective Practice in Context (Long)

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Preaching TMM2531 Reflective Practice in Context (Long)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Preaching TMM2531 Reflective Practice in Context (Long)

2 What is Narrative Preaching? What is a narrative sermon? What is a narrative? How do you feel about preaching a narrative sermon?

3 Narrative Preaching Telling a story? The New Homiletic Inductive not Deductive Moves not Points Not didactic or propositional Not designed to prove a thesis Images, metaphors are the sermon not an illustration May have no stories The Assignment

4 The Rise of Narrative 1970s Twin crises Logical Positivism Crisis of Identity Postmodernism Science, objectivity, reason questioned Issues of Power and Control Relative and Local narratives not universal metanarratives Stories not Theories

5 Narrative Theology How is faith communicated? Narrative as structure of reality. Narrative makes meaning. Narrative shapes action - Hauerwas

6 Narrative Biblical Studies Dissatisfaction with Historical Critical studies Study the Text as Literature Characterisation Plot Time & Space Rhetorical Style Point of view

7 Narrative Practical and Pastoral Theology Watch this Space… Funeral Eulogies

8 The nature of story Stories can make connections give meaning Stories are likely to be more relative more open ended more open to interpretation What are the pros and cons of stories for sermons?

9 Story and Christianity Testimonies are stories Christian biographies Jesus teaching through stories without explanation The Bible as story The Bible as our story – identification Christianity as metanarrative

10 Sermon Types: 1 st Person Narrative Take on a biblical character You don’t have to be an expert How do we learn about biblical characters? Luke 19:1-9

11 Sermon Types: Story Telling Short Stories Fables with thought provoking plots Matching biblical stories to modern stories The truth of fiction The power of stories

12 Sermon Types: Narrative Structure Lowry Loop – conflict and resolution The quest that has adventures until it finds its goal Sequential sermons

13 Characterisation Study the text What is said about the character? By whom is it said? What is done by the character? What is said by the character? How many ways can we interpret the character? The rich young ruler? Jonah

14 Plot How does this plot work? Can your sermon mirror it?

15 Practicalities Use one or more of the following concerns Characterisation Plot Point of view Narrative Style Prepare the congregation if needed Don’t be tempted to sermonise afterwards



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