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Services Course Assigning Homework Participant Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Services Course Assigning Homework Participant Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Live@edu Services Course Assigning Homework Participant Guide

2 2 Assigning Homework Practice Example: Assigning Homework There are many ways to use Live@edu services to help you improve communication and collaboration with students, parents, colleagues, and your school. During this exercise you will learn how to use a range of Live@edu services to help complete a common activity. Specifically you will learn how to assign homework using Windows Live SkyDrive, Outlook Live or Windows Live Hotmail (depending on your email client), Windows Live Messenger, and Office Live Workspace. Remember you can use other combinations of Live@edu services, so take the time to see what works best for you.

3 3 Assigning Homework Assigning Homework Using Live@edu services If you have already completed the Live@edu Services Training Modules you can use the same files previously created. For the purposes of this exercise you will assign Biology homework, however you can use these steps for any homework assignment. A Group of Contacts i.e. participants in your training class A sample Biology homework file no larger than 5GB in size Windows Live Messenger downloaded and installed with contacts available – you can use the participants that are in your training course


5 5 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive Open your browser and go to your school portal or enter Enter your Windows Live ID and password and click Sign in. From the Windows Live home page, click the More drop-down arrow list. Click SkyDrive.

6 6 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive Click Create folder. Name the folder and click the Share with drop-down arrow list. Click Select people…

7 7 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive (continued) Check the My network box. Click the drop-down arrow list and click the permissions you would like to give your contacts. Alternatively you can also Select from your contact list. Check the box next to the contacts you wish to share the folder with. For each contact decide if they can view files or add, edit details or delete files. Click Next.

8 8 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive (continued) Drag and drop the homework file from its location. Alternatively click select files from your computer and browse to the files you require. Click Upload.

9 9 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive (continued) Click Send a link. This will send an email to your contacts with a link to the folder in SkyDrive. Click To and click the check box next to the people you want to send a link to. Click Close.

10 10 Assigning Homework Upload homework to SkyDrive (continued) Enter your message. Check the Don’t require recipients to sign in with Windows Live ID box if you want recipients to be able to sign in with a non-Windows Live ID. Click Send. Click Home to take you back to your Windows Live home page. If you are using Windows Live Hotmail please move to the next slide. If you are using Outlook Live please click


12 12 Assigning Homework Click the More drop-down arrow list. In the item list click Calendar. Click the Month tab and click the date for your homework reminder.

13 13 Assigning Homework Click the New drop-down arrow list. Click To-do. Enter ‘Homework reminder’ in the What field. Enter the Due date and time. Click the Status drop-down arrow list and select the status. Click the Send reminder drop down arrow. In the item list click a time. Enter any details in the Description field. Click Save.

14 14 Assigning Homework The homework reminder will now be displayed in your To-do List. Please click here for the next


16 16 Assigning Homework From the home page, click the More drop- down arrow list. Click Calendar. Click the New drop-down arrow list. Click To-do.

17 17 Assigning Homework Enter ‘homework deadline’ in the What field. In the Calendar field, make sure that your calendar is selected. To set the Due date, click the field and the calendar appears. Select a day. Click the field next to the date to select a time to receive the reminder. Click the Priority drop-down arrow list to set the Priority. Click Add more details.

18 18 Assigning Homework Click the Send reminder drop-down arrow list and select a time to receive the reminder. Enter a Description. Click Save.


20 20 Assigning Homework Set up a question and answer session using Windows Live Messenger Open Windows Live Messenger. Confirm your status is set to available. If it isn’t click the arrow next to your name and change your status to Available. Click Share a quick message and enter ‘Q+A session now being held for homework assignment’. Click Enter on your keyboard. Many teachers publish their online Q&A availability on their Web site or on the school portal. It is possible to integrate the Messenger Conversation Window directly into a school or teacher Web site so that students can enter their question directly on the Web site without even having to start their Windows Live Messenger Client.

21 21 Assigning Homework Set up a question and answer session using Windows Live Messenger (continued) Double click an available contact or Group and enter the message ‘I’m available for the next 30 minutes if you have any questions on the homework assignment?’ Include an emoticon if you wish.


23 23 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace Go to your Workspace home page: If you have already completed the Office Live Workspace course you will have already set up a Workspace and you can go to step 5. Click New Workspace.

24 24 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace (continued) Click Blank Workspace. You can also select workspaces with pre- populated templates that you can use straight away. Enter a name in the Name field. You can also include a description in the field below. Enter in the name of your school. Press enter on your keyboard.

25 25 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace (continued) Click the New drop-down arrow list. In the item list click Folder. The folder will automatically be named Folder 1. Enter ‘Homework Assignment Answers’.

26 26 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace (continued) Click Add Documents. Browse to the file you would like to add, then click Open.

27 27 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace (continued) The document will now appear in the folder. Click the Share button to send an email invitation to students so they can view the Workspace.

28 28 Assigning Homework Share answers and best practices using Workspace (continued) You can enter email addresses or click the address book button to select people from your contacts. Click Send. This action will now show up in Activity. Repeat steps 3 to 13 to set up a Best Practice folder, save documents and share with your contacts.

29 © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Active Directory, ActiveSync, Encarta, Forefront, Microsoft, Outlook, Windows, Windows Live, Windows Mobile, Windows Server, Windows Vista, SharePoint, Silverlight, SkyDrive, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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