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Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping Project The ADLTN and future directions of the BA Scoping Project: open discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping Project The ADLTN and future directions of the BA Scoping Project: open discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping Project The ADLTN and future directions of the BA Scoping Project: open discussion

2 Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping project 2 Background NATURE AND ROLES OF BA DEGREES –Australian Learning and Teaching Council funded project Discipline based initiatives (DBI) –December 2006 – August 2008 BENCHMARKING THE AUSTRALIAN BA –DASSH commissioned project –November 2011 – December 2012

3 Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping project 3 Aims To understand the nature and role of a Bachelor of Arts degree in contemporary Australia To map the diverse Bachelor of Arts programs on offer in Australia between 2001 – 2008 To identify the major strengths, difficulties, capabilities and contributions of the program To provide rich base-line data on the nature and models of BAs to be accessible for future curriculum planning for Arts Faculties.

4 Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping project 4 Data Sources Primary sources –DET data –Graduate Destinations Survey (GDS) –Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) –institutional ‘course finder’ websites and calendars –Semi-structured interviews –ATAR reports Secondary sources –institutional reports –program review documents –publicity materials and websites –literature –media and press releases

5 Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping project 5 Development of information database DASSH Website Case studies Institutional profiles Summary sheets Trend reports –2008 –2012

6 Data sets - Excel spreadsheet pivot tables Disciplines taught as part of the Bachelor of Arts as sequences of study (2008 and 2012) Core courses (2008 and 2012) Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activities (2012) Graduate attributes (2008 – 2012) Bachelor of Arts student enrolment (2001 –2010) Graduate destinations of Arts students (2001–2010) Arts Graduate satisfaction with course (2001–2010) Entry scores (2001–2012) Deanne Gannaway BA Scoping project 6

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