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Unit II List 4. Surmise – to infer from little evidence; to guess It was easy to surmise that the family I saw on the road was moving to another home.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit II List 4. Surmise – to infer from little evidence; to guess It was easy to surmise that the family I saw on the road was moving to another home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit II List 4

2 Surmise – to infer from little evidence; to guess It was easy to surmise that the family I saw on the road was moving to another home. ******************

3 Speculate to engage in risky business ventures ************** With today’s economic outlook, many Americans are afraid to speculate on investments.

4 Termagant a quarrelsome, scolding woman *************** In the newspaper comics, Loretta Lockhorn is portrayed as a termagant who nags her husband Leroy about his small salary.

5 Prostrate lying down ********* Terribly disappointed by the loss, the player remained prostrate for five minutes after the game ended.

6 Incantation the recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magical effect ************** Claiming to have paranormal powers, the woman uttered an incantation that amused the crowd at the fair.

7 Cloven split, divided ************** Goats and deer have cloven hooves.

8 Garb clothing, attire *************** The little girl put on fancy garb that she discovered in her grandmother’s attic.

9 Buccaneering robbing ships at sea; piracy ************** Pirates of the Carribean is a popular Disney movie series in which Captain Jack Sparrow engages in buccaneering.

10 Propitiate to win over or gain by pleasing acts **************** In an attempt to propitiate the young woman and win her love, John extended many kindnesses, such as sending flowers and singing telegrams.

11 usurer a person who lends money, especially at an excessive or unlawfully high interest rate ************** The usurer, or loan shark, had a poor reputation in the community. I’m here to collect. What do you mean the late fee on my loan is an arm and a leg?

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