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UNIT 1 LESSON 2. THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO….  Understand the geographic the perspective and apply it to human interactions.

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2 THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO….  Understand the geographic the perspective and apply it to human interactions.

3 ACTIVITY  You will receive a card; it has a picture on it. Place it face down until you’re told to look at it.  Do NOT show your picture to anyone else.  The pictures go together and create a story.  You, as a class, will put yourselves in order of the story, based on the pictures.  You can only describe (verbally) to one another what is on your picture to put yourselves in order.

4 HINT 1  Not everyone tells a story the same way.  Sometimes people don’t start from the beginning.

5 HINT 2  The name of the book/activity is: Zoom

6 WRAP-UP  I’m keeping times; so don’t tell other classes the “hints.”

7 THE GEOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE  Geography is non-linear  Geography occurs on a micro and a macro level  Geography is about the relationship of over lapping themes  It is broken up into Units, but the Units overlap  We expect you to see and apply these overlaps  Geography is: “the study of how observable spatial patterns evolved through time” (Getis et al. 2009, p. 4)



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