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Texas Effectiveness Study Mini-Grant Program for LEA Follow-up.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Effectiveness Study Mini-Grant Program for LEA Follow-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Effectiveness Study Mini-Grant Program for LEA Follow-up

2 Purpose Provide a summary of “The New System” for collecting post-school outcome data at the state level through the Texas Effectiveness Study (TES). Discuss opportunities for LEAs to participate in post-school outcome data collection and utilization of data for program improvement through TES mini-grants.

3 Decentralized Project due to the decentralization of specific technical assistance functions and projects of TEA in accordance with Rider 44 of Article III of the General Appropriations Act of 1995, the Education Service Center Region XI was identified to continue work on the project. project coordinated by TEA 1990-1996

4 Primary Purpose of the Texas Effectiveness Study is to provide a clear measure of post- school results of youth with disabilities as they transition from high school to adult life

5 Data Use information collected through the study is intended to assist with decisions made at the state and local level necessary to improve policy and practices leading to successful post-school outcomes for students served under IDEA “improved results for students”

6 General Supervision Secondary Transition FAPE / LRE Parent Involvement Early Childhood Transition CSPD Leadership Council State Supervision Parent Training Early Childhood Transition Post-School Results Access to General Curriculum Juvenile/Adult Services Behavior and Discipline Management Child-Centered Framework CSPD Leadership Council Parent Coordination Texas Effectiveness Study Transition Access to General Curriculum Evaluation Assistive Technology Technical Assistance and Training—VI Behavior/Discipline Management Three Low Incidence Disabilities Texas Autism Conference Multicultural and Diverse Learners Alignment of TCIP Improvement Groups and ESC Decentralized Functions & Projects with cluster areas of the Annual Performance Report Improved Results for Students CSPD Leadership Council

7 New Directions for 2004-2005 a proposal to expand the TES was approved and implemented October 2004 create a “system” for collecting post-school outcome data continue qualitative case studies implement local collection and utilization of PSO data collection (mini-grants) enhance Special Education Supplemental Report (SESR) continue joint website

8 Program Description A local system parallel to the state level post-school data collection system will be used by LEAs to collect and examine their own post- school outcome data. LEAs will receive technical assistance and training necessary, through the TES decentralized project, to use local data to effectively plan for improved results for students. –TES Action Committee, 12/2004

9 TES Toolbox PurposeForm/FormatWhenWhoIncentive Program QualityStatewide Transition Network - IEP folder review Annually: 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grades Contract Agent review of student records Pay per record Student seed records, future expectations, indication of readiness (self-determination) Exit SurveyBefore graduation or leaving (12 th grade only) Student with teacher monitoring Web-based Paper/pencil Year One Follow-Up Outcomes (four indicators); and satisfaction Post-School Survey 1 year after graduation or leaving HS Direct mail; Phone call follow- up with contracted agent if not contacted by mail Pay contracted agent; incentive drawing for students Year Two Follow-Up Outcomes (four indicators); and satisfaction Post-School Survey2 years after graduation or leaving HS Direct mail; Phone call follow- up with contracted agent if not contacted by mail Pay contracted agent; incentive drawing for students Conduct qualitative case studies - General and Special education former students Qualitative Case Study Interviews AnnuallyContracted agentPay contracted agent to conduct case study interviews

10 Schematic for Gathering Data 2004200520062007200820092010 1 st cohort12 th Exit F1F2 2 nd cohort12 th Exit F1F2 3 rd cohort12 th Exit F1F2 4 th cohort12 th Exit F1F2 5 th cohort12 th Exit F1F2

11 Training and Technical Assistance Training modules will be developed on the following topics and delivered via distance learning quantitative and qualitative data collection data analysis and reporting program sustainability interpreting and using results for planning and program improvements

12 Technical Assistance and Support Project implementation Customizing surveys Sampling and analysis Data storage and retrieval on secure server

13 Program Requirements Pilot year 2004-2005 Application process Voluntary Seed money will be awarded on a first come-first serve basis LEA commitment for 2-year cycle Mini-grant funded for 2-year cycle

14 Timeline February 2005 Letters/applications mailed to Districts announcing mini-grants Mid-March 2005 Application deadline for mini- grants for 2004-2005 Mid-April 2005 Districts notified of award

15 Temporary Web Address ct/txeffstudy/default.htm

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