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EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics History. Supreme Law of the Land What is the Supreme Law of the Land? 

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Presentation on theme: "EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics History. Supreme Law of the Land What is the Supreme Law of the Land? "— Presentation transcript:

1 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics History

2 Supreme Law of the Land What is the Supreme Law of the Land? 

3 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics The Constitution  Signed in  At the in What is the Supreme Law of the Land Land? 

4 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics The Constitution  Signed in 1787  At the in What is the Supreme Law of the Land Land? 

5 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics The Constitution  Signed in 1787  At the Constitutional Convention in What is the Supreme Law of the Land Land? 

6 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics The Constitution  Signed in 1787  At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania What is the Supreme Law of the Land Land? 

7 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Magna Carta What was the Magna Carta? 

8 What was the Magna Carta Magna Carta?  First Constitutional Government Ever  Signed in by EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

9 What was the Magna Carta Magna Carta?  First Constitutional Government Ever  Signed in 1215 by EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

10 What was the Magna Carta Magna Carta?  First Constitutional Government Ever  Signed in 1215 by King John EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

11 How did the Magna Carta Magna Carta limit the powers of the king? 

12 How did the Magna Carta Magna Carta limit The powers of the king?  It guaranteed the right to:  Trial by  Due  A Writ of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

13 How did the Magna Carta Magna Carta limit The powers of the king?  It guaranteed the right to:  Trial by Jury  Due  A Writ of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

14 How did the Magna Carta Magna Carta limit The powers of the king?  It guaranteed the right to:  Trial by Jury  Due Process  A Writ of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

15 How did the Magna Carta Magna Carta limit The powers of the king?  It guaranteed the right to:  Trial by Jury  Due Process  A Writ of Habeas Corpus EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

16 Virginia House of Burgesses What is the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses? 

17 What was the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses Burgesses?  It was the first Self-Government in the New World by English Colonists  Founded in in  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

18 What was the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses Burgesses?  It was the first Self-Government in the New World by English Colonists  Founded in Jamestown in  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

19 What was the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses Burgesses?  It was the first Self-Government in the New World by English Colonists  Founded in Jamestown in 1619  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

20 What was the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses Burgesses?  It was the first Self-Government in the New World by English Colonists  Founded in Jamestown in 1619  An example of Representative Democracy EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

21 What was the Mayflower Compact Mayflower Compact? 

22 What was theMayflower Compact Compact?  It was the first Constitutional Government in the New World by English Colonists  Signed by the in  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

23 What was theMayflower Compact Compact?  It was the first Constitutional Government in the New World by English Colonists  Signed by the Pilgrims in  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

24 What was theMayflower Compact Compact?  It was the first Constitutional Government in the New World by English Colonists  Signed by the Pilgrims in 1620  An example of EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

25 What was theMayflower Compact Compact?  It was the first Constitutional Government in the New World by English Colonists  Signed by the Pilgrims in 1620  An example of Direct Democracy EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

26 Pilgrims Puritans Why did the Pilgrims & the Puritans leave England? 

27 Why did the Pilgrims Pilgrims & the Puritans Puritans leave England?  For Religious Freedom EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

28 Iroquois Confederacy What was the Iroquois Confederacy? 

29 What was theIroquois Confederacy Confederacy?  A government of American Indian Nations  Had a that was not EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

30 What was theIroquois Confederacy Confederacy?  A government of American Indian Nations  Had a Constitution that was not EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

31 What was theIroquois Confederacy Confederacy?  A government of American Indian Nations  Had a Constitution that was not written down EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

32 Northern Colonies What was the primary industry of the Northern Colonies? 

33 What was the primary Industry for the Northern Colonies Northern Colonies?  Shipping & Manufacturing EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

34 Southern Colonies What was the primary industry of the Southern Colonies? 

35 What was the primary Industry for the Southern Colonies Southern Colonies?  Agriculture EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

36 What was common about the government in each of the 13 Colonies 13 Colonies? 

37 What was common about the government In each of the 13 Colonies 13 Colonies?  EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Executive Branch  For an Executive Branch they had a Legislative Branch  For a Legislative Branch they had an

38 What was common about the government In each of the 13 Colonies 13 Colonies?  EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Executive Branch  For an Executive Branch they had a Governor Legislative Branch  For a Legislative Branch they had an

39 What was common about the government In each of the 13 Colonies 13 Colonies?  EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Executive Branch  For an Executive Branch they had a Governor Legislative Branch  For a Legislative Branch they had an Elected Assembly

40 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics How did Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect lead to the development of the American Revolution? 

41 How did Salutary Neglect Salutary Neglect lead to the development of the American Revolution?  England’s neglect allowed the colonies to get used to Self-Government EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

42 French & Indian War What was the French & Indian War? 

43 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A war between the English & the French  Fought in to  The were allied with the French  The debt from this war caused England to levy high on the colonies What was the French & Indian War War? 

44 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A war between the English & the French  Fought in 1754 to  The were allied with the French  The debt from this war caused England to levy high on the colonies What was the French & Indian War War? 

45 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A war between the English & the French  Fought in 1754 to 1763  The were allied with the French  The debt from this war caused England to levy high on the colonies What was the French & Indian War War? 

46 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A war between the English & the French  Fought in 1754 to 1763  The Indians were allied with the French  The debt from this war caused England to levy high on the colonies What was the French & Indian War War? 

47 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A war between the English & the French  Fought in 1754 to 1763  The Indians were allied with the French  The debt from this war caused England to levy high taxes on the colonies What was the French & Indian War War? 

48 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics American For what primary reason were the American colonies upset with British rule in the 1770’s? 

49 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Taxation without Representation  Americans wanted a seat in For what primary reason American were the American colonists upset with British rule in the 1770s? 

50 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Taxation without Representation  Americans wanted a seat in Parliament For what primary reason American were the American colonists upset with British rule in the 1770s? 

51 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Boston Tea Party What was the Boston Tea Party? 

52 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A Protest over the Tea Act  The Sons of Liberty threw the tea into  Convinced Parliament to pass the What was the Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party? 

53 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A Protest over the Tea Act  The Sons of Liberty threw the tea into Boston Harbor  Convinced Parliament to pass the What was the Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party? 

54 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A Protest over the Tea Act  The Sons of Liberty threw the tea into Boston Harbor  Convinced Parliament to pass the Coercive/Intolerable Acts What was the Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party? 

55 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

56 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  In America they were known as the  Took away citizens’ right to a trial by  soldiers in citizens’ homes.  Boston Harbor What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

57 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  In America they were known as the Intolerable Acts  Took away citizens’ right to a trial by  soldiers in citizens’ homes.  Boston Harbor What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

58 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  In America they were known as the Intolerable Acts  Took away citizens’ right to a trial by Jury  soldiers in citizens’ homes.  Boston Harbor What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

59 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  In America they were known as the Intolerable Acts  Took away citizens’ right to a trial by Jury  Quartered soldiers in citizens’ homes.  Boston Harbor What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

60 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  In America they were known as the Intolerable Acts  Took away citizens’ right to a trial by Jury  Quartered soldiers in citizens’ homes.  Blockaded Boston Harbor What were the Coercive Acts Coercive Acts? 

61 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics First Continental Congress What led to the creation of the First Continental Congress? 

62 What led to the creation of the First Continental Congress Congress?  The Intolerable Acts EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

63 What was Common Sense Common Sense? 

64 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A Pamphlet by Thomas Paine  Convinced America to want to What was Common Sense Common Sense? 

65 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics A Pamphlet by Thomas Paine  Convinced America to want to Declare Independence What was Common Sense Common Sense? 

66 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics What was the Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence? 

67 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  Written by  Turned the colonies into What was the Declaration of Independence Independence? 

68 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  Written by Thomas Jefferson  Turned the colonies into What was the Declaration of Independence Independence? 

69 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  Written by Thomas Jefferson  Turned the colonies into states What was the Declaration of Independence Independence? 

70 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics What are Natural Rights Natural Rights? 

71 What are Natural Rights Natural Rights?  Rights you have because you are born  Invented by who said they were EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

72 What are Natural Rights Natural Rights?  Rights you have because you are born  Invented by John Locke who said they were EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

73 What are Natural Rights Natural Rights?  Rights you have because you are born  Invented by John Locke who said they were Life, Liberty, & Property EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

74 Articles of Confederation What was the Articles of Confederation? 

75 What was the Articles of Confederation Confederation?  First Constitution for the United States EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

76 Articles of Confederation What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? 

77 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The government could not  The government had no or branches What were the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Confederation? 

78 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The government could not Tax  The government had no or branches What were the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Confederation? 

79 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The government could not Tax  The government had no Executive or branches What were the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Confederation? 

80 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The government could not Tax  The government had no Executive or Judicial branches What were the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Confederation? 

81 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics Articles of Confederation What did the Founding Fathers create the Articles of Confederation to be weak? 

82 Why did the Founding Fathers create the Articles of Confederation Confederation to be Weak?  They were afraid of creating a monarchy EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics

83 Northwest Ordinance What was the Northwest Ordinance? 

84 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The law that organized the  Created a path to for the territories it created.  Banned within its borders What was theNorthwest Ordinance Ordinance? 

85 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The law that organized the Northwest Territory  Created a path to for the territories it created.  Banned within its borders What was theNorthwest Ordinance Ordinance? 

86 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The law that organized the Northwest Territory  Created a path to statehood for the territories it created.  Banned within its borders What was theNorthwest Ordinance Ordinance? 

87 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The law that organized the Northwest Territory  Created a path to statehood for the territories it created.  Banned slavery within its borders What was theNorthwest Ordinance Ordinance? 

88 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  The law that organized the Northwest Territory  Created a path to statehood for the territories it created.  Banned slavery within its borders What was theNorthwest Ordinance Ordinance? 

89 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics What was Shays’s Rebellion Shays’s Rebellion? 

90 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  An uprising in  Caused states to want to revise the What was Shays’s Rebellion Shays’s Rebellion? 

91 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  An uprising in Massachusetts  Caused states to want to revise the What was Shays’s Rebellion Shays’s Rebellion? 

92 EOC REVIEW: Civics & Economics  An uprising in Massachusetts  Caused states to want to revise the Articles of Confederation What was Shays’s Rebellion Shays’s Rebellion? 

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