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LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 1 /13 LARP Phase II Secondary Collimator RC1 Collimator Development and Test Program Status.

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Presentation on theme: "LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 1 /13 LARP Phase II Secondary Collimator RC1 Collimator Development and Test Program Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 1 /13 LARP Phase II Secondary Collimator RC1 Collimator Development and Test Program Status Revised 1/30/07

2 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 2 /13 Outline –Winding and Misc Tests update –Braze Test plan forward –Thermal Test (Prototype Hardware) and Test Lab update –RC1 progress and near term plans

3 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 3 /13 Winding and Misc Tests update –10mm sq. OD/ 7mm sq. ID copper sample was bent into 10mm and 35mm radius configurations to check for distortions. Tube deformation inward (relative to Mandrel OD) as a result of winding is consistent with ANSYS results (about 0.2mm) for the 35mm radius bend. –Still on the list: Twist to failure for a measure of the margin of safety. Twist to determine maximum torque requirements. Section all samples to inspect for internal distortion shapes and smoothness of transitions.

4 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 4 /13 Braze Test update and plan forward –Klystron Manufacturing Braze Shop completed Jaw brazing onto the 200mm long Mandrel on 12/19/06. –Assembly is scheduled for vacuum bake and pump down testing in February. Bake temperature and duration per CERN Phase 1 specs? Hope to get info on magnitude of virtual leaks. –Will section Jaw and Mandrel for inspection after vacuum testing.

5 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 5 /13 Completed 200mm long Mandrel and Coil

6 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 6 /13 More Braze development tests planned –A second 200mm long Copper mandrel has been fabricated for more Jaw brazing tests. 4 of the 200mm long Jaws have been halved to 100mm long to practice transverse joint brazing. Cooling coil will be rolled into groove with ends extending through shaft for rolling process development. –Molybdenum to copper braze joint detail drawings have been released for fabrication. No date promised yet, SLAC and vendor shops to fabricate parts.

7 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 7 /13 Mo-Cu Braze Joint configuration 1 - Mandrel Dummy 2 - Mo Shaft Dummy 3 - Mo Backing Ring 4 - Cu Hub

8 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 8 /13 Single Jaw Thermal Test Hardware Progress –Clean Tent infrastructure upgrades complete. –Jaw 1/4 sections (qty 24) now at SLAC. –Full length Mandrel in fabrication at local vendor. Mid February date promised. Central bore machining details on hold pending Mo-Cu Hub joint braze test results. –Jaw Cooling supply and return piping assembly nearing completion.


10 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 10 /13 RC1 progress and near term plans –3D models have been developed for prototypes of: U-Joint Drive Axle. –One piece diaphragm, integral with axle, worm gear and bearing preload features. End Support. –Bearing housing holds Axle rigid in gravity direction for 0 deg., 90 deg., and skew collimator orientations yet provides compensation in axial direction for required thermal expansions of Jaw and Shaft. Rotator mechanism.

11 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 11 /13 U-Joint Drive Axle 0.5mm thick diaphragm 30mm dia. shaft o.d. 80 tooth worm gear Diaphragm deforms 0.0018 radians to compensate for shaft sag and “slewing” of end supports

12 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 12 /13 End Support (water cooled) Squirt tube water cooling manifold Bearing Mount supports the gravity load but can flex to compensate for Shaft thermal expansion Weld to bellows base plate at top assy Tube clamp reacts torque but can flex to compensate for Jaw thermal expansion & tube shortening due to twist Rotation axis Surfaces have high emissivity coating to aid cooling

13 LARP LHC PHASE II COLL RC1 TESTS - S. Lundgren 30 Jan 2007 No 13 /13 Rotator Mechanism

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