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Jeopardy ExplorersMapsPoliticsCapitals Government Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy ExplorersMapsPoliticsCapitals Government Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy ExplorersMapsPoliticsCapitals Government Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Explorers Who was the Viking explorer who named the land he discovered Vinland?

4 $100 Answer from Explorers Who is Ericson?

5 $200 Question from Explorers The Spanish Explorer who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico

6 $200 Answer from Explorers Who is Cortez?

7 $300 Question from Explorers The Spanish explorer who sailed around the world

8 $300 Answer from Explorers Who is Magellan?

9 $400 Question from Explorers The Spanish explorer who looked for the Fountain of youth in Florida

10 $400 Answer from Explorers Who is Ponce De Leon?

11 $500 Question from Explorers The Spanish explorer who crossed the Mississippi River

12 $500 Answer from Explorers Who is De Soto?

13 $100 Question from Maps The part of a map that explains the symbols

14 $100 Answer from Maps What is the key?

15 $200 Question from Maps What is the imaginary line running around the center of the Earth?

16 $200 Answer from Maps What is the Equator?

17 $300 Question from Maps What continent lies at the south pole?

18 $300 Answer from Maps What is Antarctica?

19 $400 Question from Maps On which continent would you find Egypt?

20 $400 Answer from Maps What is Africa?

21 $500 Question from Maps Where is Mt. Fuji?

22 $500 Answer from Maps What is Japan?

23 $100 Question from Politics What are the two main political parties in the United States of America?

24 $100 Answer from Politics What are the Democrats and Republicans?

25 $200 Question from Politics Who made the famous quote “I am not a crook”?

26 $200 Answer from Politics Who is Richard Nixon?

27 $300 Question from Politics Which American president was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth?

28 $300 Answer from Politics Who is Abraham Lincoln?

29 $400 Question from Politics What president signed more executive orders than any president in history?

30 $400 Answer from Politics Who is Bill Clinton?

31 $500 Question from Politics Which US president helped to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis?

32 $500 Answer from Politics John F. Kennedy

33 $100 Question from Capitals What is the state capital of Hawaii?

34 $100 Answer from Capitals What is Honolulu?

35 $200 Question from Capitals What is the capital of Tennessee?

36 $200 Answer from Capitals What is Nashville?

37 $300 Question from Capitals What was the final capital of the Confederate States of America?

38 $300 Answer from Capitals Richmond, Virginia

39 $400 Question from Capitals What is the capital of Russia?

40 $400 Answer from Capitals What is Moscow?

41 $500 Question from Capitals What is the capital of the USA?

42 $500 Answer from Capitals What is Washington DC?

43 $100 Question from Government Which president was impeached for disgraceful activity in office?

44 $100 Answer from Government Bill Clinton

45 $200 Question from Government What form of government does the United States have?

46 $200 Answer from Government What is a democratic republic?

47 $300 Question from Government What type of government does China have?

48 $300 Answer from Government What is a Communist government?

49 $400 Question from Government How old do you have to be to run for president in the USA?

50 $400 Answer from Government What is 30 years old or older?

51 $500 Question from Government Is citizenship required to become a US president?

52 $500 Answer from Government What is yes. You must be a US citizen to run for the presidency.

53 Final Jeopardy Which of our founding fathers made this quote? “ We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus”

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is John Adams?

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