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#1 Skin Pigment Dominant: Pigmented Skin, eyes, hair PP or Pp Recessive: Albino- no pigment pp.

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Skin Pigment Dominant: Pigmented Skin, eyes, hair PP or Pp Recessive: Albino- no pigment pp."— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Skin Pigment Dominant: Pigmented Skin, eyes, hair PP or Pp Recessive: Albino- no pigment pp

2 #2 Piebald Dominant: Piebald- skin, and hair spotted with white blotches FF or Ff Recessive: Uniform color on skin and hair ff

3 #3 Hair Color Dominant: Dark Hair Recessive: Light Hair

4 #4 Non-red Hair Dominant: Non-red Hair Recessive: Red Hair

5 #5 Curly Hair Dominant: Curly Hair Hybrid: Wavy Hair Recessive: Straight Hair

6 #6 Freckles Dominant: Freckles Recessive: No Freckles

7 #7 Widow’s Peak Dominant: Widow’s Peak Recessive: Straight forehead hairline

8 #8 Hair Whorl might be hard for some guys and most girls… just guess Dominant: clockwise Recessive: counter clockwise

9 #9 Free ear lobes Dominant: free ear lobes Recessive: attached ear lobes

10 #10 Ability to Roll Tongue Dominant: can roll Recessive: can’t roll

11 #11 Eye Color Dominant: brown eyes Recessive: blue, green, hazel, or grey

12 #12 Distance Eyesight Dominant: normal vision Recessive: can’t see far These would be difficult for a person who is nearsighted

13 #13 Close up Eyesight Dominant: can’t see near These would be difficult for a person that is farsighted Recessive: normal vision

14 #14 Cataract Dominant: cataract- white spots on eyes Recessive: no cataracts

15 #15 Color Vision Dominant: seeing in color If you cannot see the numbers: 8, 26, and 45 in these circles You are partially colorblind Recessive: colorblindness

16 #16 Extra Fingers or toes Dominant: having an extra digit Recessive: normal # of digits

17 #17 Dimples Dominant: Dimples on cheek Recessive: no dimples

18 #18 Hairy knuckles Dominant: no hair on middle knuckle of ring finger Recessive: hair on middle knuckle of ring finger

19 #19 No bent thumb Dominant: non bent thumb Recessive: hitchhiker’s thumb

20 #20 Bent Little finger Dominant: Bent little finger Recessive: Straight little finger

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